Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1414: That zombie is Forrest Gump (one more)

"This is our home, where can we go if we leave?"

"Yes, our roots are here, where can we go?"

Pingyin Village is not wealthy at first, everyone does not want to leave, and they have no ability to leave. If they leave here, where can they go, this is their home.

Everyone objected, and there was a lot of discussion.

"It won't work if you don't leave!"

The village chief sighed and concealed it for so long, but in the end he couldn't hide it anymore.

He glanced at Ah Man's room. At this time, Ah Man was already resting. He didn't want her to hear something, and he didn't want her to know about it, for fear that she would be sad.


An old man from Pingyin Village asked, and he saw something wrong with the village chief's words.

The village chief took a look at everyone, gritted his teeth, and said helplessly, "Because that zombie is back for revenge!"

"What did you say?"

"What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at the village head in shock. What does the village head mean? What do zombies mean? Come back for revenge?

The zombie appeared half a month ago, when a woman discovered it.

The woman went to the periphery of the death forest to mow some weeds and go back to feed the rabbits, but found a strange figure. At first glance, she found that she was a very scary man. The man smiled strangely and terribly at the woman, and the woman fell to the ground in fright. , Ignoring his basket, strode towards Pingyin Village.

The woman came back and told them that no one believed her, only told her that it must be her illusion.

Everyone didn't believe the woman's words, and the woman couldn't explain it. After that day, she fell ill.

After a few days, someone discovered that someone was missing in Pingyin Village. At that time, everyone believed that there were really zombies.

Later, I didn't know who passed this incident, which caused them to lose peace in Pingyin Village.

That zombie is a little strange, it will be discovered from time to time, but it will not appear in front of people, as if it is deliberately frightening them.

There are fewer and fewer people in Pingyin Village, and no one dared to go out at night until today.

"Village Chief, what exactly do you know?"

A young man asked in horror, what does the village chief mean?

"That zombie... he is A-Gump!"

The village mayor's voice was a little hoarse, and said this sentence with difficulty.

This matter has been kept secret by him. A-Gump warned him that he should never say it. If he did it, he would make Pingyin village chickens and dogs restless. Now that he has reached this point, he can't keep it anymore. Maybe you say it, everyone. After knowing it, you can leave Pingyin Village immediately. Even if A-Gump wants revenge, he won't find them again.

Knowing that the zombie was Forrest Gump, it was also not long after the zombie incident. He was troubled by this incident and found a figure outside the window, and the figure has been dangling outside his window.

He took the pole and went out, only to find that he was a horrible-looking, rotten man. He was wearing black clothes and his head was hidden under the brim of his hat.

Seeing him come out, the black-clothed man raised his head, smiled weirdly at him, and told him that he hadn't seen him for a long time.

He was so scared that he couldn't speak at all, and tremblingly asked the man who he was.

The rotten man in black said that he had only disappeared for a short time, and he didn't even recognize him anymore.

Later, he recognized it, but it was A-Gump.

A-Gump is from their Pingyin Village. In fact, he is not a Pingyin Village. He was adopted by a couple in Pingyin Village.

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