Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1415: How could he become a zombie (two more)

When he was a child, A-Gump looked good, but later he didn't know what was going on. His face became very strange, with sores all over his face, which looked a little scary.

After that time, the people in Pingyin Village were disgusting with A-Gump. Xu knew that the people in Pingyin Village disliked him. A-Gump became more and more silent, often avoiding the people in the village.

There was nothing wrong, but all the outbreak started after the death of A-Gump's parents.

After the death of A-Gump's parents, everyone thought it was A-Gump's cause. The curse was either a curse or a whispered dislike for him. Rumors spread in Pingyin Village.

Many people asked him to drive A-Gump out in front of him. At first, he couldn't bear it. After all, he grew up when he was young, so how could he bear it.

If it weren't for later, he found out about A-Gump and his daughter, he wouldn't be like that.

After learning that A-Gump and his daughter were in a silent relationship, he was shocked and angry at the time. After shutting his daughter in the room, he found A-Gump and told him that if he left here to make money, he could consider marrying his daughter. he.

Of course these words were deceiving A-Gump. At that time, he had already calculated that A-Gump would not be allowed to come back again. Then he gave A-Gump an address and told him that as long as he followed that person, that person would give him a lot of money.

In fact, he knew that as long as A-Gump went to the address he gave him, he would never come back.

This is the first time he has done such a vicious thing. Everything is for his daughter. He must not let his daughter be with A-Gump, because A-Gump is not worthy of his daughter, A-Man. If he is with his daughter, He will ruin her.

After A-Gump left, the village chief recovered his peace. When his daughter missed A-Gump, he couldn't bear it. He lied to her daughter and told her that A-Gump had left her behind.

The daughter has been sad for a lot of time, and it hasn't been better until now.

In fact, for A-Gump, he often blames himself when he dreams back at midnight, but in the end he forgets to blame himself, and he can give everything for his daughter, even at the expense of others.

He always thought that A-Gump would not come back, because after the wizard had promised him, he did not expect that this time the zombie incident was actually done by A-Gump.

He knew that he was coming back for revenge! The person he was going to hurt him did not end well.

He wanted to tell the people in the village, but he was afraid that, as A-Gump said, it would make Pingyin village chickens and dogs restless.

After concealing it for so long, he knew that he couldn't keep it, and he had to tell it today so that everyone could find a way to get out of here.

He couldn't stay here any longer, he had to take his daughter to leave, or he was afraid that her daughter would be hurt by A-Gump.

"What are you talking about? A-Gump? How could it be him?"

"Didn't he leave? How could he come back, how could he become a zombie?"

Everyone said in horror, you look at me and I look at you, with fear in their eyes.

When A-Gump's accident happened, no one did not ridicule him. One was afraid, the other was shocked, and the third was that he was a disaster star, and he wanted to leave Pingyin Village immediately.

After he left, they all breathed a sigh of relief and lived a peaceful and happy life.

Now the village chief suddenly said that the zombie was A-Gump, A-Gump is back, and he is back for revenge!

"We...we just said a few words about him, he doesn't make a calculation, right?"

A young woman trembled all over. She did say a lot of Forrest Gump in the dark, hoping that he could get out of Pingyin Village immediately.

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