Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1416: What is the origin of this group of people (three shifts)

A-Gump is also quite kind, he shouldn't account for that much. Besides, she said those things quietly, and he didn't know.

"Yeah, did we do nothing?"

"What should I do now?"

Many people whispered in fear, is it true that A-Gump really came back for revenge? Wouldn't he want to turn them all into zombies?

The people who disappeared in Pingyin Village recently do seem to be the people who had bullied A-Gump back then. Of course they knew it, but they just kept watching them coldly.

"He won't let anyone in our Pingyin Village go!"

The village chief looked ugly and couldn't help closing his eyes in despair.

He knew that A-Gump hated himself most, and he didn't have the courage to tell these people how he dealt with A-Gump back then.

This time A-Gump came back, and he knew that he came back for revenge, and those who left Pingyin Village were probably too ill-advised.

How could A-Gump let anyone go? He had discouraged some people from leaving, fearing that something would happen if they went out. At least he could think of a way to stay here, but no one listened.

Those who left looked like they were leaving, but he knew that it would be more unfortunate.

A-Gump is no longer the former A-Gump, he has become a monster, a monster to revenge.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

"Let's leave, get out of here now."

Everyone can't sit still, and can't wait to leave the horrible place of Pingyin Village right away, and they don't care that this is their hometown.

For their own lives, they must leave.

"Everyone, go back and pack things first, and leave here together as soon as possible."

The village chief said to the people, taking advantage of those people entering the death forest to divert A-Gump's attention, they can seize the opportunity to leave.

"Well, well, we will go back to clean up immediately."

Everyone stood up from their position, but suddenly heard a lot of footsteps outside.

"Sho... shouldn't it be A-Gump?"

Everyone trembled in fear, and dared not move a step.

People in Pingyin Village hardly walk around at night. Now that there are so many footsteps outside, is it really A-Gump and the others?

"village head!"

The footsteps stopped at the door, and when everyone was frightened, a voice rang out from outside, it was Tang Wei's voice.

Hearing Tang Wei's voice, the village head immediately got up from his position and looked up in disbelief.

These people actually came out of the death forest?

Almost none of the people who came to Pingyin Village came out. Now they have come out, and it took such a short time. What is the origin of this group of people?

He only knew that these people were sent by the state, but he was not sure what department they were.

The village chief did not dare to delay, and quickly stepped forward to open the door, his eyes fell on Tang Wei and the others, his face was surprised, "You..."

Outside the door, Qi Feiye and others carried Professor Yang on their backs, and Huating Hua Mingsheng was behind Qin Tianyue Mo.

They went in without any problems, but brought Huating and the others back.

"The village chief, go in and talk about it!"

The dense fog outside and the cold weather are really not a good place to talk.

The village chief no longer delays, let Qi Feiye and others come in.

"Village chief, please arrange for Professor Yang and them to rest. They are seriously injured."

Even if Qin Tianyue and others cured Professor Yang, at this time Professor Yang and others did not have much energy, because they had not eaten and drink for a long time, their body was still relatively weak, and now they must rest.

"Okay, come here!"

The village chief quickly led Qi Feiye into the empty room.

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