Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1418: They were all created by them (five shifts)

Picture after picture appeared in Qin Tianyue's mind. Qin Tianyue took Mo Yishen's hand and tightened it, his expression increasingly ugly.

Mo Yishen tilted his head to look at Qin Tianyue, looking at the golden light in her eyes, he knew that she was using the sky again.

Mo Yi's deep and narrow phoenix eyes chilled, and he let out a helpless sigh, then returned his hand to cover Qin Tianyue's hand, "Enough!"

The picture in Qin Tianyue's mind dissipated, and she raised her eyes to look at Mo Yishen, her eyes a little red.

After closing his eyes and opening his eyes, Qin Tianyue raised a smile at Mo Yishen, "I'm fine!"

Mo Yi sank his face and squeezed Qin Tianyue's hand tightly. He had warned Qin Tianyue, but she still didn't listen to her own words. It seemed necessary to teach her a lesson when he returned.

Seeing Mo Yi's deep gaze, Qin Tianyue flickered and avoided. Okay, she didn't listen to him, but she can't be blamed. Who caused so many things to happen recently, if you don't look at it, you don't know what's going on?

The head of Pingyin Village is obviously a ghost, and it is very likely that he knows what happened.

Unexpectedly, the zombies were all created by them, especially the Pingyin village chief who looked pretty good!

That so-called zombie is also a poor man, but his pity is not worthy of sympathy. No matter what plot he has in the peaceful village, he should not vent his grievances on innocent people.

The people who came here to explore are indeed a little ignorant, and they are not worthy of death. The man named Forrest killed them so viciously, it was unfair to those people.

"Captain Qi, have you entered the Death Forest?"

A villager in Pingyin Village asked in a low voice that he still couldn't believe that they had gone in and brought people out, and a lot of them had come out, and there seemed to be no scars on his body. It's too unbelievable.


Qi Fei nodded at night.

"Then you... have you encountered any terrible things?"

Another villager spoke with some fear. He wanted to know if Qi Feiye met A-Gump, and if he did, why could he come out unscathed? Isn't A-Gump cruel? How could you let them go?

Qi Feiye looked at the questioning villager, his eyes flashed, and he didn't want to talk more about the death forest.

"There are a lot of incredible things in the Death Forest. You guys don't want to go in in the future. If you can, get out of here as soon as possible."

Thinking of those zombies and that weird man, he felt that it was necessary for everyone to leave here as soon as possible. If they stayed here, that man would definitely do something. It’s better to let everyone leave and he would go back and report the incident. Let's see how to solve it.

The zombie thing must not be expanded any more, otherwise it will definitely cause panic.

Qi Feiye's words made everyone's complexion slightly changed, and they all guessed that Qi Feiye must have encountered terrible things that caused them to do this.

"Did they have an accident with the group of people who followed you in?"

The village chief's gaze fell on Qi Feiye, pinching the cigarette stick in his hand tightly.

The group of people in his mouth was referring to Luo Hao and others. Except for Qi Feiye and Qin Tianyue, none of Luo Hao's people seemed to come out. Could it be that something went wrong? Or did they not meet each other?

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