Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1419: It seems it won't be too peaceful tonight (six more)

Qi Feiye was silent, Luo Hao and others had indeed had an accident, except for the reporter who ran away, everything else was dead.

At the time, they didn't have any extra energy to protect them. Even though they were excellent, they couldn't take care of Luohao and others in situations that they had never encountered before.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen were sitting together, they seemed to feel something, their eyes fell on the door of the village chief's house.

Mo Xiao also heard the movement, frowning on his indifferent face, "Master Mo, Madam!"

Mo Yishen glanced at Mo Xiao and let out a deep hum.

Qin Tianyue tilted his head to look at Mo Yishen, "It seems it won't be too peaceful tonight."

The village chief’s house is not far from the death forest. In this dark night, there are very subtle movements in the silent death forest.

Others could not hear, but Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen Mo Xiao heard some movement.

In fact, Qin Tianyue has already seen some from the picture just now, but because Mo Yishen interrupted, he didn't see the whole picture.

Tonight is destined to be no peace!

"Help, help!"

At the exit of the death forest, a woman's voice was frightened and weak.

The expressions of the people in the village chief's house changed drastically. They all looked at the door of the village chief's house, no one dared to move.

"What's the matter? How do I hear the voice of help?"

"I heard it too. Isn't something going wrong?"

"What should I do now, I dare not go out?"

When everyone was talking about it, a panic sounded outside the door, the voices of many villagers in Pingyin Village.

The village chief and Qi Feiye got up from their positions, and Tang Wei, who had been in the room to take care of Professor Yang and others, also came out of the room.

The village chief’s daughter, Aman, also walked out of the room because of the outside sound. She was already unsteady in sleep, and coupled with the outside sound, she became more and more unable to rest well.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

A Man walked up to the village head in a little fear and asked worriedly. He wanted to open the door, but was pulled by the village head. "A Man is obedient. Go back to the house and wait. We will see outside."

The village chief squeezed his daughter Aman's hand with a complicated face, pushed her daughter into the room, and directly closed the door.

Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen got up from their positions and looked at each other. There was no fear in their eyes, but rather calm.

Outside Pingyin Village at this time, there were lights on under the faint mist.

A woman covered in blood crawled out of the death forest. Her face was pale without any blood. If you look closely, you can see that her body was torn and bitten by someone, and there was a big hole in her belly, which was dug through. Caused.

Yao Ya was desperate. She left everyone in the death forest to escape. She thought that she could leave the death forest, but she kept getting lost in the death forest. She regretted that she had escaped. If she didn’t escape, maybe she could still get along with her at this time. They are together, maybe they will protect her.

As the sky darkened, she still shuttled through the death forest, full of horror, trembling all over, and her body was cold. She walked cautiously, fearing that a tiger and a wolf would eat her.

She didn't know how long she had been away, she only knew that when she was about to despair, she seemed to see the light.

At that time, she smiled joyfully because she found an exit.

However, before she waited for a few minutes of joy, at the moment she was about to leave the death forest, in the darkness, I didn't know what animal was rushing out of the grass.

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