Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1420: Help me (seven more)

The animal bit her hands and feet directly, and she screamed in pain.

She was thrown to the ground by the animal, and she kept trying to shake off the animal with her hands, but there was no way to do it until she was hurt.

In the faint darkness, she seemed to see someone standing behind a tree in front of her, looking at her.

In despair, she thought it was a human being and desperately asked for help, "Help, help me!"

In the darkness, there was a slight chuckle.

The sneer had just sounded, and the animal that bit her seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and fled in horror.

She was covered in blood and fell to the ground without any strength. She was about to thank the person who came, but saw him walking towards herself.

She hadn't seen her face yet, but she had already smelled a rotten smell, which immediately made her feel frightened, and her face was full of horror.

Even if she didn't look at her face, she knew what the person was, it turned out to be a zombie, and if it were a person, there would never be a scent of decay.

"No, no, please let me go!"

Yao Ya begged for mercy in pain, seeing the tall black shadow approaching her. The closer she got to her, the smell of her nose became more and more intense.

The tall black shadow squatted down, and Yao Ya was frightened and frightened. Because of the bite just now, she had no strength and could not escape at all. She could only watch the man squat down.

A big rotting and foul-smelling palm clasped her cheek, and she trembled with fear and kept begging for mercy.

There was a weird chuckle again in her ears, and then she felt his hands slowly slide down, and finally stopped on her stomach. When she was frightened, there was severe pain in her stomach.

She couldn't help screaming, she could feel her belly pierced by someone, and his hands stirred in her belly, digging out some internal organs raw.

"The smell of blood, would you like to taste it?"

The man's weird and terrifying voice rang in her ear, and she was already in pain at this time and was about to lose her mind.

There was no pain in her whole body, especially her stomach, which was dug up by life.

"Run, as long as you can run out, I will let you go!"

Just when she was about to faint, a man's contemptuous voice sounded in her ears.

In order to survive, she had to crawl outside with difficulty, tearing the wounds inside her body, especially her stomach, at every step.

"Help, help, help!"

Yao Ya hopes that someone can hear the voice and hope they can save her. If she can go back not too long ago, she will definitely not leave those people.

Even rely on her to rely on them.

She crawled out desperately, crying for help weakly, she could feel the zombie behind her staring at her, staring at her contemptuously, as if looking at a dead object.

Every time she took a step forward, he would follow it.

There seemed to be fragmentary footsteps behind him, as if many people came out of the death forest.

She looked back with fear and difficulty, but saw that in the dark death forest, she did not know when many zombies appeared, slowly approaching her.

Not knowing where the strength came from, she speeded up and crawled outside, hoping that she could be rescued and stay away from these monsters.

Someone in Pingyin Village heard the sound of help, and boldly opened the door carefully and walked out.

Through the thin mist, they saw the woman crawling towards the outside, and saw a group of horrible and rotten zombies behind her, frightening everyone to scream.

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