Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1421: Become a monster that is neither human nor ghost (eight shifts)

They want to escape, but there is no way.

Those zombies spread out and surrounded the entire Pingyin Village. Pingyin Village is not big at first, and the houses in the village are almost all next to each other. It is easy to be surrounded by zombies and cannot escape.

Many people were driven to the open space by the zombies, and everyone gathered in a group.

Forrest Gump in black looked at a group of people coldly, with ironic smiles on his lips.

These people are the ones who insulted him in the first place, didn't they have a bad mouth before? Why are you not talking now?

He has become like this now, thanks to them. If it were not for them, he would not become a monster now, and he would not live in this world without human beings or ghosts.

He had also been kind, because he knew that he was the one who was picked up, and was not a native of Pingyin Village, so he has always lived more carefully, afraid of being secretly said.

Over the years, he has worked hard to help everyone and wants to merge into Pingyin Village. He knows that they have no opinion on him on the surface, but in fact they are alienating him.

It was because of their alienation that he slowly became silent, everyone did not wait to see him, and he did not provoke them.

I thought he would live like this for a lifetime, until his parents died. All the people who pointed him behind their backs showed disapproval and pointed him in front of him, saying that he was a catastrophe.

When the livestock died in the village, they would blame him.

If something falls out of the village, they will blame him.

Everyone wanted him to leave the village, and hoped that his calamity would stay away from them, so that their village would restore peace.

Countless malicious voices kept echoing in his ears, making him painful and uncomfortable.

If he hadn't met Ah Man, he might have committed suicide long ago.

It was Ah Man who gave him hope, and it was the kind girl who gave him the urge to live.

He thought he would live in peace like this until their affairs were discovered by the village chief.

The village chief shut Aman at home and found him in person. The village chief told him that as long as he left with a friend of the village chief's friend and made money back, he could consider marrying Aman to him.

He thought the village chief was real, and happily promised that he would make money and come back to marry Aman, and he would never let her down.

When he left, some villagers gloated over the misfortune, some heaved a sigh of relief, and some of their mouths were so broken that he was not allowed to return. He took their vicious expressions into his eyes, clenched his fists and turned away.

I went to the address where the village chief told him to go, and waited for a lot of money to go back to marry Aman, but was told that he could never go back because he had been abandoned by the village chief.

He wanted to go back to question, but was drugged by the wizard, and woke up to find that he was trapped, and finally became the wizard's medicine man, specially testing his own medicine and Gu poison for him.

In the end, through trials day and night, he became a monster with neither man nor ghost.

He has been locked in the basement by a wizard. Without seeing the sun, he has no idea what he has become. He only knows that he is very painful and uncomfortable. For every point of pain, he hates the people of Pingyin Village. Fen, relying on this hatred, he survived.

The terrifying wizard disappeared suddenly one day, and he escaped into the wizard’s house for half a month without eating or drinking in the basement.

When he saw the hideous face in the mirror, his whole body rotted, and he couldn't see what he was like before, he collapsed and shattered everything in the wizard's house.

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