Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1425: That man is unusual (four more)

A-Gump's gaze made Qin Tianyue's face sink slightly, she probably knew what he was going to do!

Mo fell on A-Gump with a deep, cool and thin gaze, with a domineering and majestic manner, which instantly made A-Gump unable to look directly.

That man...not average!

Qi Feiye and the others looked at A-Gump warily. A-Gump suddenly came out like this now. Everyone knows that his purpose is not pure.

Yao Ya asked for help with difficulty, looking at the panic of everyone. Her eyes fell on the steps of Qin Tianyue and others. When she saw them intact, Yao Ya regretted it as much as she felt. If she didn’t Because she was afraid of running away, she wouldn't be what she is now.

" me!"

She asked for help with difficulty, hoping that someone could come and save her. At this time, she only had a breath, and even the cry for help was very low.

A-Gump glanced contemptuously at Yao Ya who was lying on the ground dying, bent slightly to pinch Yao Ya's neck, and lifted her from the ground. Seeing her frail and struggling appearance, he smiled coldly, "Is it good to be alive? Have to come and die?"

Come on, A-Gump bit Yao Ya's neck, and Yao Ya died in horror and unwillingness.

When everyone saw such a **** scene, they trembled in fear, but did not dare to run around.

"Let us go, let us go!"

The people standing in the clearing cried for help.

A-Gump randomly threw Yao Ya to the ground, his rotting face was full of blood. He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on his face, and put the blood on the tip of his nose and sniffed the blood abnormally, with a weird smile on his face.

Seeing everyone's fear, A-Gump smiled more brilliantly. What he wanted was this kind of effect, what he wanted was to make them fear.

Qin Tianyue looked disgustingly, a big palm stretched out to cover her eyes, "Don't look at it if you don't want to look!"

Mo Yishen hugged Qin Tianyue in his arms, and his cold and frightening gaze fell on A-Gump.

"I'm fine!"

She had seen anything disgusting, but she felt uncomfortable seeing this scene for a while.

This A-Gump did this deliberately, in order to make the people in Pingyin Village disgusting and make them even more afraid.

The expressions of the people beside her were horrified and scared, and they could only watch A-Gump like this.

"What are you going to do?"

"A-Gump, let us go!"

A few people under the eaves opened their mouths in fear.

The villagers of Pingyin Village who were standing in the open land looked back at the speaker, "What did you say? What Forrest Gump?"

The fearful women of Pingyin village looked at Forrest Gump under the brim of their hats in disbelief. When they saw his terrifying face with a weird smile, the women opened their eyes in horror.

"It's A-Gump, it's A-Gump, it's him!"

The appearance of this man, even though his whole body was rotten, could still tell a little bit of Forrest Gump's appearance.

How could it be A-Gump, how could A-Gump become like this? Is he a zombie? What is he going to do? Do you want revenge?

They did say that A-Gump was for their own homes. After he left, they all clapped and cheered. How come they are back now? It's so terrifying.

"A-Gump, let us go, please, we are all your uncles and aunts!"

"Yes, A-Gump, we grew up watching you, my son used to call you brother."

"A-Gump, please, we won't scold you again in the future, please let us go."

Many people softened their bodies in fear and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

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