Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1426: Do you think I dare not kill you (five shift)

Forrest Gump watched this scene indifferently, with irony in his eyes, and a contemptuous smile on his lips.

"Let you go? Did you let me go?"

Forrest Gump's strange and cold voice sounded in the dark, and his excitement made the zombies around him ready to move.

Seeing this, everyone trembled in fear, fearing that the zombies would come forward and bite them, and they would be dead.

Many people who hated A-Gump lowered their heads. They were more or less in their backs or in front of A-Gump who spoke badly about him. Some even said a lot of disgusting things when A-Gump left. if.

"Uncle and Aunt?"

The ironic low voice sounded from A-Gump's mouth. Now they knew it was his uncle and aunt. Why didn't they say when they cursed him?

"Do you think I'm scary? In fact, you are scarier than anyone else!"

A-Gump stepped forward, and the smell of decay was in the air. Many people took a step back in fear and hugged them, not daring to look at A-Gump.

"Look at me, why don't you dare to look at me? Is it a guilty conscience?"

A-Gump sneered, looking at the crowd, his horrifying and rotten face was cold and gloomy.

The village chief looked at painfully and took a step forward, "A-Gump, if you want revenge, come at me. Everything is my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be like this."

The village chief regretted it countless times. When he saw that the village had become like this, he regretted giving A-Gump countless times to the wizard. He did tell the wizard not to let A-Gump return, but he did not expect A-Gump to become Like this.

All this is his fault, and he is the biggest culprit.

Qin Tianyue frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on A-Gump. She could feel A-Gump's anger and hatred. In fact, under this anger and hatred, there seemed to be pain buried.

"If you think that your hatred will subside when I die, then I will die in front of you immediately."

Although the village chief was also afraid of Forrest at this time, it was more for the villagers. This matter was originally a mistake he made, so he should solve it.

After the matter subsided, he believed that the village would return to calm, and everyone would get better because of this matter, and would not gossip.

The village chief walked in the direction of A-Gump, standing in front of A-Gump, his expression was painful and guilt, "It's all my fault, you kill me."

A-Gump looked at the village chief coldly, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

The village chief raised his head and exposed his neck in front of A-Gump, "I hope I am dead, you can let them go. They are wrong, but they should not die. The most **** thing should be me, if not me, you It won't be what it is now, I'm sorry, Forrest Gump, I'm sorry."

The village chief slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.

In fact, he was also afraid of death, but there was no way. He had to die. As long as he died, A-Gump could calm down some of his anger.

A-Gump slowly stretched out his hand to clasp the village chief’s neck and sneered, “Do you think it’s enough for you to die alone? They are not guilty? If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have become such a monster, you all Damn it."

When the word **** fell, Forrest Gump's whole body exuded a stronger smell, and his whole body exuded even more chill.

The originally quiet zombie was about to move, showing a weird smile, and slowly walked towards the people in the clearing.

Everyone screamed in horror, trying to escape, but it was of no use. There were more and more zombies around, surrounding everyone.

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