Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1427: No matter what you become (six more)

Standing under the eaves, Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen and others are still not immune.

Qi Feiye and the others knew that it was time for them to take action. They shot sharply at all the zombies. Just about to do it, a young girl walked out of the village chief's house, and it was Ah Man.

"A-Gump, don't!"

A soft voice came from Ah Man's mouth, with tears in his eyes, he watched this scene sadly.

Seeing that A-Gump was about to hurt his father, A-Man strode in the direction of A-Gump.

When A-Gump saw Ah Man's figure, pain flashed through those cold eyes.

The hand holding the village chief's neck was released, and the village chief was thrown on the ground by him. Some attacking zombies stopped their movements, as if there was no movement of dead bodies.

"A-Gump, A-Gump!"

A-Man ran to A-Gump, A-Gump lowered his head, stepped back, his hoarse voice sounded, "Don't come here!"

He didn't dare to look at Ah Man directly, for fear that he would see him now.

The way he looks now will definitely scare her, his Ah Man is kind and cute, how can he bear to see her in pain.

Hasn't that man already sent Aman away? Why does she still appear here today?

He has been in the death forest all day today and has not come out, so I don't know that Ah Man is back. If he knew, he would definitely not be here.

He can hate anyone, but he can't hate Ah Man, because that is the sunshine in his heart and the person he doesn't want to hurt.

Now that he became like this, he didn't dare to let Ah Man see it, because she was afraid that she was afraid of him, and he didn't want her to see him as a monster.

He wanted to make the best impression in her heart, not to scare her.

A Man's footsteps stopped, and she reached out her hand to cover her mouth. She didn't want to cry, but still couldn't help crying. She woke up long ago and saw what happened just now, and knew that A-Gump had become a monster. Become the most feared zombie in Pingyin Village.

She never thought it would be A-Gump, the man who loved her.

Dad said that A-Gump didn't want her anymore, that he had never liked himself at all, that he went outside to make money, and that he had a woman he liked.

She didn't believe it, she had been here waiting for A-Gump to come back, and she firmly believed that A-Gump would come back to marry her.

Dad asked her to marry the son of the village chief in the neighboring village. She was unwilling, and had a conflict with her father. She tried to find a way to find A-Gump. She wanted to be with A-Gump.

"A-Gump, I'm A-Man, I'm A-Man!"

A-Man covered his mouth and stepped forward again, A-Gump yelled, "Don't come here, I'm not A-Gump."

He was not the Forrest Gump long ago, he is now a monster, a zombie among the human population.

A-Gump is dead. From the moment he was treated as a medicine man, he was already dead, and he was no longer the A-Gump that Aman loved.

"I know you are, no matter what you become, you are my Forrest!"

A Man strode forward, grabbed A-Gump's arm, ignoring the stench from his body, tightly holding A-Gump in his arms, tears streaming down.

The village chief stood up with difficulty, watched his daughter hug A-Gump, and said anxiously, "Aman, come back!"

Now A-Gump is no longer human, and he is afraid that he will hurt his daughter.

"Dad, don't stop me, I want to be with A-Gump."

A Man turned his head, looking sadly at the village chief.

"A-Gump, see if I am okay, I am Aman, the Aman you love."

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