Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1428: It's all because of your viciousness (seven more)

A-Man looked back at A-Gump and stretched out his hand to see A-Gump's appearance. A-Gump pushed her away and covered his face, pretending to scream fiercely, "Get away, get away."

A Man was pushed a few steps away and almost fell. A-Gump raised his head and looked at her worriedly. Seeing that A Man was okay, he was finally relieved.

He would rather hurt the whole world than he would hurt Ah Man.

Qin Tianyue stood in front of the eaves, squeezed Mo Yishen's hand, and turned his head to look at him.

She could see the pain in A-Gump's eyes. She had already seen it with her heavenly eyes just now, so she didn't stop this scene.

After A Man stood firmly, he saw A-Gump and his real face. His originally rough and handsome facial features were now rotten and ferocious, and A Man's heart tightened.

"Why is this? A-Gump, tell me, what is going on?"

Although her Forrest was scolded by many people, he still lived a sunny life. No matter how uncomfortable he was, he would just hide in the dark and feel uncomfortable. He never did that.

What happened to make A-Gump what it is now.

A man’s eyes were full of tears, and A-Gump's eyes flashed uncomfortably, and he took a step back, cruelly, "What's the matter? Then I have to ask hello father!"

A-Gump smiled sarcastically. Now he can't be with A-Man at all. He is a monster, covered in poison, and no one can save him.

Ah Man turned around in disbelief and looked at the village chief, "Dad, what's the matter?"

The village chief looked at Ah Man guiltily, but did not dare to look directly at Ah Man. He knew that he could not lie to Ah Man, and he did not dare to speak directly. Because he said it, his fatherly face in Ah Man’s heart would be destroyed, and he was afraid The daughter will hate him.

"Why don't you dare to say it?"

A-Gump sneered.

Many villagers forgot to be afraid and just watched, "Village Chief, what did you do? Is it because A-Gump became like this because of you?"

If A-Gump became like this because of the village chief, and their people had an accident, then the responsibility would be on the village chief.

The village chief blamed himself and closed his eyes in pain, "Yes, it's all because of me."

"Dad, what did you do? Why?"

Aman looked at the village chief with pain in his eyes. Even if he didn't know what the village chief did, he probably knew that some Forrest Gump became like this because of his father.

Dad clearly told her that A-Gump didn't want her anymore. Why is it like this now?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong at the beginning!"

The village head kept blaming himself and looked at Ah-Man and A-Gump behind Ah-Man in pain. He saw that even if A-Gump became like this, he was reluctant to hurt his daughter. In this way, he could rest assured. To die.

The village chief's eyes fell in front of a tree, "A-Gump, I owe you this life, and I will pay you back immediately."

The village head slammed into the direction of the big tree.

How could A-Gump let him die so easily, clasp the village chief's neck, and lift him up, "How could I let you die so easily?"

"The reason why I became like this is all because of your viciousness. You sold me to that ghost wizard, made me a medicine man, and made me full of poison. A person is not a ghost or a ghost. Life is better than death."

"I became like this, thanks to you, I haven't let you die, how could you die so easily."

A-Gump screamed frantically, his eyes scarlet as blood, very scary.

As his breath changed, some zombies were ready to move again.

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