Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1436: You are very happy, he treats you very well (seven more)

Qin Tianyue's gaze fell in front of the Death Forest, where A Man's figure had been quietly looking at the Death Forest, staring ignorantly, as if waiting for A-Gump's return.


Qin Tianyue walked to Aman's side and called her name softly.

Ah Man turned his head, his face was a little pale, his eyes were red and swollen, and his eyes were blank.

"Are you leaving?"

Ah Man's voice was a little hoarse, and Qin Tianyue nodded. She didn't want to come up, but after thinking about it, she came up.

She knew that A-Man might be waiting for A-Gump, but in fact, A-Man didn't know that A-Gump was dead, she was just still deceiving herself.

Ah Man is also a poor man. He lost his father and the one he loves most. I am afraid that he has lost confidence in the future.

"Well, I'll leave in a while."

Qin Tianyue nodded and quietly accompanied Ah Man. Ah Man's eyes fell not far behind Qin Tianyue, looking at the slender figure who had been standing not far behind Qin Tianyue and staring here.

"You are very happy, he treats you very well!"

A Man's lips raised a faint smile, and he said sincerely, looking at the inside of the death forest again, looking infatuatedly.

"Well, he is very good to me, just like A-Gump is to you, A-Man, if A-Gump sees you like this, he will definitely feel distressed."

Qin Tianyue didn't know how to persuade Ah Man.

A Man's tears flowed down and looked at Qin Tianyue, "Can he still see? Can I wait for him? Why doesn't he come back to find me? Does he think I am afraid of him, how could I be afraid of him?"

A Man cried in pain, Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand to comfort A Man, "A Man!"

"A-Gump, can't you come back?"

In fact, Ah Man knew that he was just deceiving himself and others all the time.

"Well, he can't come back, but I believe that he must always be by your side. He will only be happy if you are happy."

Qin Tianyue knew that he couldn't lie to Aman, he might as well tell her everything directly, so that her self-deception was completely awake. Only in this way could she live a good life.


Qin Tianyue's words made Ah Man burst into tears, and Qin Tianyue let Ah Man hug himself and cry loudly. Only in this way would Ah Man really let go.

When leaving Pingyin Village, Aman gave Qin Tianyue a gift, watched Qin Tianyue leave, and silently thanked her.

"You go back to the genius doctor first to let everyone rest assured, I will go back to the capital and tell Sister Pearl to them."

After getting in the car, Qin Tianyue said to Huating and Hua Mingsheng, finally everyone was rescued without incident.

"Yeah. I know!"

When they left Pingyin Village, they had already called and reported that they were safe, and everyone was relieved when they heard about it.

Now they must go back first to make everyone more at ease.

Separating from Huating Hua Mingsheng, it was already afternoon for Qin Tianyue to return to the capital.

Mo Xiao sent Mo Yishen Qin Tianyue to the Xuanyi Shop.

Hua Zhenzhu and the others knew that Qin Tianyue had returned, and hurriedly came out of the drugstore, and saw that Qin Tianyue was safe and sound, and finally relieved, "Tianyue, it's great for you to come back."

Qin Tianyue walked towards the Huazhu Hualing and several people, showing soft smiles, "Well, Ating and Mingsheng have already returned to the genius doctor to report that they are safe, so you don't need to worry anymore."

"Well, we know, this time we must encounter a lot of dangerous things in Pingyin Village, you just have to be fine."

For the past two days, they have been worried, and they are afraid that Qin Tianyue and Huating will have an accident. When they know that everyone is safe, there are laughter and laughter in the mysterious doctor shop.

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