Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1437: What do you do wrong, so that I can scare you (eight changes)

"I have encountered some, but it has passed!"

Qin Tianyue downplayed, not wanting Hua Zhenzhu and the others to worry, they all entered the backyard of Xuanyipu.

When Bai Chuxia knew that Qin Tianyue had returned, she breathed a sigh of relief like Hua Zhenzhu, her eyes were reddish, and she had been worried about knowing that Qin Tianyue had gone to such a dangerous place, and now that she had come back without incident, she could feel relieved.

Qin Tianyue looked at Bai Chuxia's red eyes, and couldn't help reaching out and touching her cheeks, "Okay, sister Yue is back, it's all right."

"Early summer knows, Sister Yue, are you tired? Go back and rest later."

Bai Chuxia looked at Qin Tianyue obediently, and his eyes fell on Mo Yishen. Seeing him accompany Qin Tianyue to such a dangerous place, Bai Chuxia was also a little grateful for Mo Yishen.

She did not like Mo Yishen at the beginning, thinking that he would lie to Qin Tianyue. After so many things for so long, she knew that Mo Yishen was not what she thought. His feelings for Qin Tianyue were deeper than she thought. This man actually pretty good.


Qin Tianyue nodded. She was indeed tired. She had been in the car and airplane for almost a whole day, and she couldn't stand it no matter how energetic she was.

"Tianyue, go back to rest early when you are tired!"

Hua Zhenzhu glanced at Qin Tianyue, looking at the exhaustion in her eyes, and a little distressed. If it weren't for Qin Tianyue, Huating and Hua Mingsheng would definitely not be able to save them. They knew it was dangerous. Qin Tianyue risked his life to save people. .

"Okay, then I'll go back first, so don't you guys work too hard."

Qin Tianyue nodded towards Hua Zhenzhu and Valing, and everyone quickly asked her to go back to rest.

Qin Tianyue got up from her position, walked to Mo Yishen, turned around and smiled at everyone, and walked out of the mysterious doctor's shop.

Mo Yishen's car drove towards Jinglin Community. Qin Tianyue was already a little drowsy in the car. When she returned to the capital, exhaustion seemed to linger all over her body, and she leaned in Mo Yishen's arms and fell asleep.

Mo Yishen lowered his head and looked at Qin Tianyue, who had fallen asleep in his arms, and asked people to increase the temperature of the air conditioner. His eyes were gentle, and he looked at Qin Tianyue distressedly. After thinking of something, Mo Yishen's brows wrinkled again.

The car drove directly into Mo Yishen's villa, Mo Yishen gently hugged Qin Tianyue, and hugged her towards the room upstairs.

Qin Tianyue slept very deeply, and when he woke up, it was already dark outside.

As soon as she was about to get up, she found herself trapped in her arms, beside her, she fell asleep with a deep and handsome face, and her angular facial features became softer under the light.

Qin Tianyue's eyes were a bit painful, and she hadn't rested almost all night last night. She knew that her eyes must be a little red and swollen today, and because of the excessive use of the sky eye, her eyeballs must be red.

There was something wrong with Mo Yi's expression along the way. Although he didn't say anything, she could feel that he should be angry again.

Qin Tianyue touched her nose with a guilty conscience. In that case, she actually didn't want to.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mo sounded in a deep and cold voice, which frightened Qin Tianyue, "Mo Yishen, you startled me."

"What did you do to make me scare you?"

Mo locked Qin Tianyue with deep and narrow phoenix eyes, and Qin Tianyue smiled at him, "Where can I do anything wrong, don't you always look at me?"


Mo Yi's dark eyes sank, and his whole body was fierce and frightening.

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