Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1439: Don't think about other men (two more)

It was twelve o'clock now, and in the past two days, she hadn't had a good meal. After so many wars just now, she was already hungry.

"Lie down!"

Mo Yishen put a kiss on Qin Tianyue's forehead, and his slender body got up from the bed, put on his nightgown, and walked downstairs.

Qin Tianyue lay on the bed, staring at the direction Mo Yishen was leaving, and couldn't help smiling at the corners of his lips.

After having supper, Qin Tianyue leaned in Mo Yi's arms and refreshed the news with his mobile phone.

After finishing the meal, she washed and rinsed, then went into the space and practiced. Finally, she recovered a lot of her body and her eyes no longer hurt.

A certain man repeatedly warned her not to use the sky eye at will in the future. If he looked at her and hurt himself again, he would definitely teach her severely. Thinking of the lesson he had said, Qin Tianyue couldn't help shaking her body.

Looking at the news about Pingyin Village on the phone, Qin Tianyue fell into deep thought.

The things in Pingyin Village have ended, and the lives that have died will never come back.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mo Yishen put down the tablet in his hand, his gaze fell on Qin Tianyue, watching the news of Pingyin Village in her mobile phone, he knew that she was thinking of Pingyin Village again.


Qin Tianyue raised his head to look at Mo Yishen and smiled coquettishly at him. The love between A-Gump and A-Man was indeed distressing, but that also passed.

She and Mo Yishen's love will not be like A-Gump and A-Man. No one can stop them from being together. They will be happy forever.

"Don't think about others, you can only think about me."

Mo Yishen locked Qin Tianyue with her phoenix eyes, Qin Tianyue hooked his neck and smiled charmingly, like a fairy, "Domineering, I'm by your side, and I want you all the time, Mo Yishen is jealous of you. It’s too strange."

Seeing her look like this, Mo deepened her deep phoenix eyes, her thin lips were **** and evil, "Yue'er, are you seduce me?"

Qin Tianyue took the initiative to step forward, her beautiful eyes were crystal clear, her voice was soft and charming, "What do you mean?"

"It seems to be!"

Mo folds Qin Tianyue's hands with deep fingers, covering her body, charming and vigorous blending together, and the two figures are reflected on the wall, so harmonious and beautiful.

That night, Qin Tianyue took the initiative to seduce Mo Yishen and entangled with him.

Perhaps it was the affairs of A-Gump and A-Man that irritated the two of them, and neither of them had rested that night.

Mo Yishen was so strong that Qin Tianyue almost couldn't bear it, so he could only tremble and cry in his arms.

On the second day, while Qin Tianyue was still resting in a blur, Mo Yishen woke up next to him.

Seeing her sound asleep, Mo Yishen's eyes softened, lowered her head and pressed a kiss on her charming face, and watched her open her eyes in a vague manner, Mo Yi's thin lips slightly hooked, and her lips were ambiguous and sexy." Yueer, my fairy!"

Qin Tianyue slept in a daze, listening to the words "fairy", muttering dissatisfiedly, "I'm not a fairy."

Where is she a fairy? What nonsense is Mo Yishen talking about?

"Yue'er, I look forward to your next temptation!"

Mo Yi's deep, **** and mellow voice sounded in his ear again, and Qin Tianyue stretched out his slender arm and slapped him dazedly, "Who is going to seduce you, shameless!"

Where did she seduce him? What happened last night was just a misunderstanding. The final consequence of seduce him is that she can't move. Next time, she won't seduce him!

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