Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1440: He said she was his fairy (three shifts)

Qin Tianyue really woke up, it was almost noon, she stretched out lazily, lying in bed and didn't want to get up.

There was some pain all over, all traces left by Mo Yishen on his body.

Lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, Qin Tianyue was in a daze, vaguely remembering what Mo Yishen said in the morning.

He said, she is his fairy!

Ah yeah, where is she a fairy, what nonsense is that man talking about?

Also, he said he looked forward to her next temptation? Would she not seduce him?

Absolutely not! She must have been crazy last night that's why she was like that, and she won't do it again next time!

Qin Tianyue covered his face in annoyance, entered the space, took a bath and practiced again, only then left the space.

Since the time in the research institute, the aura in her body has dissipated a lot. Although she has recovered a lot, it is still a little bit better. After this period of practice, she has already improved a lot. It is estimated that it will be a yellow level soon Intermediate, but I don’t know when I can upgrade to the superior.

Coming out of the space, Qin Tianyue went downstairs. The servant downstairs had already prepared lunch and was about to call Qin Tianyue, but when she saw that she had come downstairs, he said respectfully, "Madam, lunch is ready."


Qin Tianyue smiled at the servant. The servant brought out the black-boiled chicken soup from the kitchen and put it in front of Qin Tianyue, "Madam, this is the black-black chicken soup specially ordered by Lord Mo, let you drink more."

Qin Tianyue glanced at the black-bone chicken soup in front of him, his lips raised a gentle smile, "Well, thank you!"

She didn't expect Mo Yishen to order the servant to make soup for her, and she didn't know if he had dinner at this time.

As he was thinking, Mo Yishen's call had already come in, and Qin Tianyue quickly picked up the call.

"Are you up?"

"Get up, have you eaten yet?"

Qin Tianyue said softly, and Mo sounded in a deep and **** voice, "Go right away."

"Then you go, I won't bother you anymore, I'll go to the Xuanyi Shop in a while."

"Okay, be careful on the way."

"I know, just a few steps away, are you worried about that too?"

Although Qin Tianyue complained, the smile in his eyes couldn't hide.

Hanging up the phone, Qin Tianyue finished his meal happily, and drove towards the direction of the Xuanyi Shop by himself.

Hua Zhenzhu saw that Qin Tianyue's energy improved a lot all night, and she smiled, "It really hurts us to look at you yesterday. I recovered so well in one night. Could it be the reason for someone to moisturize?"

Hua Zhenzhu's words made Valin Hualian couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling.

"Sister Pearl, are you teasing me too?"

Qin Tianyue laughed a little embarrassedly at several people.

Hua Zhenzhu laughed, and after teasing Qin Tianyue, she said serious things to Qin Tianyue.

The two went to the backyard and told Qin Tianyue about the pharmaceutical factory during this period. The pharmaceutical factory has been rented out and the first batch of drugs has been produced smoothly. The market has responded very well.

After Qin Tianyue had discussed the pharmaceutical factory with Hua Zhenzhu, and was about to go back, the phone rang and it was Shen Wen's phone number.

Qin Tianyue answered the phone without hesitation, "Hey, Nuan Nuan!"

"Tian Yue, are you back?"

Two days ago, Qin Tianyue asked her to ask for leave. She asked Qin Tianyue what was going on. She only said that something went out for a while, and she didn't know what made her so heavy.

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