Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1460: There is Lord Mo guarding behind Qin Tianyue (seven shifts)

On one side, Qin Tianyue ignored the Yu family. On the other side, the Yu family fell out because of the Mo Yishen Qin Tianyue incident.

In the Yu family mansion, Yu's mother always felt very upset and restless, and she didn't know what was going on.

Yu's father was sitting on the sofa beside him, reading the newspaper.

"Master and madam are okay."

The servant's panicked voice sounded. Before Yu father and Yu mother had scolded others, he saw a man in black dragging a **** Yu Jiao from outside, and had just entered the living room of Yu's house. The man in black was disgusted with Yu. Jiao threw it on the ground.

Yu Jiao was full of horror. After she was taken away from the mall, she was taken directly to a hospital, where her tongue was cut off. This is the end of her insulting Qin Tianyue.

She thought that Lord Mo was just talking, but it turned out that she was really going to cut off her tongue, making her unable to speak from now on.

She was lying on the cold operating table, her hands and legs being pressed, no matter how hard she struggled, she was useless, she watched her tongue cut off, wanted to scream and was gagged again.

She didn't know what potion those people used, her **** tongue stopped the blood, and she couldn't die if she wanted to die.

She regretted it and regretted it very much. At the beginning, she felt that Qin Tianyue was not a good person at the milk tea shop. It was very terrible. She also secretly decided not to provoke Qin Tianyue. How could she see her angry again today.

If she does not provoke Qin Tianyue today, there will be no accident today, nor will it hurt her parents.

How could she be so stupid, Qin Tianyue didn't fear them so many times, but defeated them one by one, first Kang Jiajia and the others, then her, and now she can imagine the fate of Su Anxin and Qi Qing.

With Lord Mo guarding behind Qin Tianyue, who can escape?

Today's own fate can be imagined, Mo Ye's defense of Qin Tianyue, she just insulted her, got such a fate, Huang Yu's fate may not be any better than her.

She didn't understand why it was clear that Qin Tianyue had Master Mo by his side, why he didn't stand up for her before, if she knew... if she knew she would not provoke Qin Tianyue, but would please her instead.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in this world!

When she thought of her stupid things that would bury the entire Yu family, Yu Jiao slumped to the ground in fear and shock, her expression pale and bloodless, her eyes full of horror.

When Yu's father and Yu's mother saw Yu Jiao's appearance for the first time, her complexion changed drastically, showing an angry expression, "Who did it? Who did it?"

Mother Yu knelt on the ground, holding Yu Jiao's cheek tremblingly, "My son, who dares to do this? Husband, you must help our daughter get revenge, and you must not let those people go."

Yu's mother didn't pay attention to the man in black behind Yu Jiao, only knowing that her daughter was being treated like this, she was so annoyed that she wanted to get rid of those who dealt with her immediately.

Her daughter's mouthful of blood, what happened?

Father Yu didn't scream like Yu's mother. When he was angry, he saw the man in black standing behind Yu Jiao. He felt a little familiar with him. The black clothes were so cold and cold, he looked like an ordinary person.

Could it be that they hurt their daughter? Who is the person behind him? Dare to hurt the daughter of the Yu family at will, and so blatantly, I hope it will not be a major event!

Yu Jiao hugged Yu's mother and kept shaking her head, shaking with fear, turning her head to look at the man in black behind her from time to time.

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