Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1461: Our Lord Mo is very upset (eight changes)

She wants to talk, wants her parents to quickly beg for mercy, wants them to help her get forgiveness from Lord Mo, only in this way, the Yu family will not end, and she will only lose one tongue, not everything.

"It was you, was it you, did you cut off my daughter's tongue, and I want you to pay for it."

Mother Yu saw that Yu Jiao had her tongue cut off, and she lost her sense of anger. She stood up and rushed towards the man in black. Father Yu grabbed her hand and said, "Calm down."

"Calm down. How can I be calm? This man hurt our daughter and made her lose her tongue. How dare they, how dare they do this?"

Yu's mother's eyes were red, and her body trembled with anger. She didn't say a word without noticing the person in black coming in, her eyes were cold.

Lily on the ground, Yu Jiao kept shaking her head. She couldn't speak at all when she wanted to speak. She wanted her mother not to get angry because they couldn't afford the other party.

It was all her, it was all her, if she was a little sensible at first, it wouldn't be the case.

No, everything is Su Anxin, it is Su Anxin, Kon Jiajia and He Lu are also victimized by Su Anxin, and so is she.

They can't hide Qin Tianyue, especially the man behind her, because that man is a demon!

No wonder that Mingya Club was blocked some time ago, and it was said that it was to provoke a big man, but it turned out that it was Master Mo for Qin Tianyue, and nothing else.

They are all kept in the dark, they deserve it!

"Ms. Yu, Mrs. Yu, I am not the one who provokes Ms. Yu, and I don’t have that great ability. You can ask who Ms. Yu provokes that led to such an end."

Mo Qi smiled coldly and glanced indifferently at the limp Yu Jiao. Yu Jiao trembled in fear. When she thought of the scene just now, she wished it was just a dream. The pain in her mouth showed that this was not a dream, but a reality. of.

She is over, and so is the Yu family.

Yu's father's complexion changed drastically. If so, did he really provoke a big man?

Although their Yu family is good in Beijing, there are many people in the capital of Wolong, Hidden Tigers who are more powerful than their Yu Jiao. The person who can dare to cut off Yu Jiao's tongue so boldly is not as simple as a big man, it must be. The kind of very scary person.

Who on earth did Yu Jiao provoke? If it's a big five, it's okay, at least it shouldn't involve the Yu family. If it's that big man, he can't imagine what the Yu family will be involved in.

"What do you mean?"

When Yu's mother heard the hidden meaning in the words of the man in black, her expression changed slightly. Could it be that her daughter provokes a big figure that the Yu family can't provoke?

Mo Qi looked at the Yu family indifferently, as if looking at the dead, Yu Jiao offended his wife, and Master Mo had already started to block him, and he didn't need to be polite.

"Miss Yu has offended our wife, and she has been merciful by cutting her tongue."


"Who is your wife?"

Yu's father tremblingly asked, who in the capital dared to do this, and hoped it wasn't the one he thought in his heart.

"Ms. Yu doesn't need to know who our wife is, just know that Miss Yu has offended her. Our Lord Mo is very unhappy. The Yu family...wait to pay the price."

After speaking, the man in black gave a sneer, regardless of the horrified expressions of his father and mother, turning and leaving.

Many servants stood there in horror. What does this person mean? What Mo Ye? Could it be that one?

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