Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1462: Lord Mo has a sweetheart (one more)

Can the Yu family be better off offending that person? Are they going to lose their jobs soon?

"Husband, I...I heard it right!"

Yu's mother only felt soft and looked at her husband in horror.

Yu's father seemed to be held in place, fearful.

He couldn't believe what Mo Qi said, his daughter really provoke Lord Mo, the man who everyone can't afford to offend.

Mo Qi said his daughter offended Madam? Could it be Lord Mo's sweetheart? Master Mo has a sweetheart, why doesn't everyone in the capital know?

Yu's mother kept asking frightenedly. Yu's father was irritated and angry. He stretched out his hand and waved Yu's mother and took out his mobile phone to make a call. After turning back, Yu Jiao gave a fierce look and knelt on the ground, shaking Yu Jiao.

Father Yu walked aside and was about to make a call when the phone rang quickly.

Father Yu saw the caller ID, his breathing was suppressed, and he quickly connected to the phone. Before he could speak, the other end of the phone was already a little quick and scared to say, "Mr. Yu, something has happened, something has happened to the company."

After the phone call, Yu's father sat on the sofa feebly, his eyes blank.

It was his secretary on the phone. The secretary told him that just a moment ago, many companies cooperating with the Yu Group asked for the termination of the contract, and asked the other company to compensate them for their losses. Their reputation is damaged, they have to terminate the contract with the Yu Group, and they have to pay compensation to the Yu family.

In a short period of time, the Yu family fell into such trouble with just a word from Lord Mo, which shows how powerful Lord Mo is.

Their Yu family provokes people that no one dared to provoke, no wonder everyone avoids them like a snake and scorpion.

Father Yu knows that their Yu family is over, no matter what he is, it is over. The only way now is to try his best to save it.

With this in mind, Father Yu took out his cell phone again and called several of his friends. Some people picked up his phone and said that they were powerless, and some simply didn't answer his phone.

Father Yu was flustered and uncomfortable, afraid that the Yu family would really be over.

Mother Yu stood there blankly, seemingly unwilling to accept this reality, watching her husband call on the side, her expression anxious and angry, she finally returned to her senses, lowering her head and looking at Yu Jiao, who kept crying and regretting. .

Yu's mother squatted in front of Yu Jiao and grabbed her arms, "Jiaojiao, tell mom, what's going on, how can you provoke Mrs. Mo's wife?"

Yu Jiao wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word, she could only shake her head desperately.

She watched Father Yu call and looked at the panic in his eyes. She knew that she was the one who killed the Yu family, and the Yu family was really over.

For Qin Tianyue's sake, Lord Mo really wanted to kill their Yu family.

I used to hear the legend about Lord Mo, saying that the man was indifferent and ruthless, with cruel methods. She didn't believe it before, but now she can't help it.

Yu's mother hated that iron could not become steel, crying in despair, and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to give Yu Jiao a slap, "It's all because we are so used to it that you will harm the Yu family."

Her Jiaojiao originally had a pretty good personality, but she had forgotten when she became like this.

Because she is the only child, she has always been more pampered with Yu Jiao, and she will give her what she wants. Is it because of this that she has forgotten everything, and now she has offended Lord Mo's wife, and their Yu family has fallen to this end. , Who is to blame?

She must find a way to save the Yu family now. She can't imagine the days when there is no money in the future.

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