Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1464: If Lord Mo is fond of Qin Tianyue (three shifts)

Qi Qing looked back at Yu's family, thinking that Yu's family would be removed from the capital because of Yu Jiao's wrongdoing, Qi Qing couldn't say a word.

She couldn't believe that Yu Jiao had offended Lord Mo. Although Yu Jiao was not smart, she was not stupid. How could she offend Lord Mo?

Suddenly, Qi Qing thought of the text message Yu Jiao had sent to her. Could it be that it was Qin Tianyue who had offended Yu Jiao? And Qin Tianyue is related to Lord Mo?

Qi Qing, who seemed to have figured out the cause and effect, turned pale in fright. If Qin Tianyue really had a relationship with Lord Mo, would she fall into the same fate as Yu Jiao based on her rudeness towards Qin Tianyue in the past.

Although she and Yu Jiao are good friends, it is impossible to help Yu Jiao and make Qi family fall into the abyss.

The true sisterhood of these people is nothing more than the other's family background, so they become friends. Now that something happened to the Yu family, who would dare to intervene to help.

When Yu Jiao is finished, she must also make plans.

Regardless of Yu Jiao, Qi Qing's car drove in the direction of Su Anxin's house. She must tell Su Anxin about this.

She was worried that Qin Tianyue was really related to Lord Mo, and hoped that Yu Jiao made a mistake. How could Lord Mo and Qin Tianyue be related?

One is the mysterious and unpredictable Mo Ye, and the other is a woman from a small village like Huanshan Village. The two cannot have any intersection, how can they know each other?

Yu Jiao didn't tell her the true relationship between Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen. She also guessed a lot and thought about it a lot, but still couldn't be sure what the relationship was between them.

If Lord Mo fell in love with Qin Tianyue and stayed with her, she would not believe that she was killed.

Maybe Qin Tianyue was just Mo Yishen's servant?

Qi Qing was thinking wildly along the way, her head was sore that she couldn't think of a reason, the car quickly stopped at Su's house, and she strode out of the car.

In the Su family mansion, Sang Qiu was sitting in the tea room in a irritable mood. Even the tea ceremony that allowed her to calm down would not make her feel irritable.

The recent repeated nightmares prevented her from getting enough sleep and dark circles under her eyes.

Su Zhengyang has rarely come back recently. Each time he spent less than an hour with her, they shared the same bed with her, and there were very few words to say that even if she took the initiative to seduce him, he was still in a state of despair, saying that he was recently because of the group. The things are too tiring.

If she hadn't called the person on the other end to inquire, perhaps she would have thought that Su Zhengyang had someone outside.

Maybe he was so, it was really because he was too tired.

Su Anxin sat opposite Sang Qiu, the dark circles under her eyes were similar to Sang Qiu's, she was holding her head forcibly, and the nights had been nightmares recently, exactly the same as the previous time, making her very irritable.

She didn't know what was going on, as long as she closed her eyes, she would dream, and it was still a **** dream, so scared that she didn't dare to close her eyes at all.

"Mom, I can't take it anymore, it's too uncomfortable."

Su Anxin took a sip of tea and looked very ugly. She felt that the reason why she and Sang Qiu became like this must be because of Qin Tianyue, and it must be the woman who gave them medicine.

But what is strange is that there is no chance for her to prescribe the medicine after their contact, how did she prescribe the medicine?

"I have arranged a doctor, take a look."

Sang Qiu's expression was also not good, and the gloomy expression that radiated from the whole person, coupled with the lack of rest recently, made people afraid to approach.

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