Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1465: Tell her something important (four more)

"Dad is coming back today?"

Su Anxin asked carefully. She hadn't seen her father Su Zhengyang for a few days, and she didn't know if he would return. Every time she came back, after she had fallen asleep, when she woke up, she didn't see Su Zhengyang again. .

She knew that her parents seemed to be in a bad relationship recently, and it was all because of the things that happened some time ago. Because of this, she didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, and even postponed the matter of dealing with Qin Tianyue, fearing that Su Zhengyang would be angry again.

Sang Qiu's expression became more difficult to look at the mention of Su Zhengyang, Su Anxin squeezed the tea cup in front of him, and did not dare to speak any more.


Su Anxin screamed Sang Qiu cautiously. She was a little afraid of what she was like. She didn't know when the elegant and gentle Sang Qiu became gloomy and terrifying, which made people look scared. Even her biological daughter did not dare to speak loudly. Su Annan was even more afraid to approach, even less time to ask for money.

Sang Qiu rubbed the bridge of her nose and knew that she was in a very bad state. Since returning from the banquet that night, she herself knew how terrible she looked. No wonder Su Zhengyang didn't want to look at herself more.

"I'm fine."

Sang Qiu reluctantly smiled, because Qin Tianyue's affairs made her now inhuman and ghost, and no longer the noble and elegant of the past.

She can't be affected by Qin Tianyue, she must first restore her reputation, and then secretly deal with Qin Tianyue.

Seeing that Sang Qiu really seemed to be all right, Su Anxin was finally relieved. She didn't dare to talk about Qin Tianyue's affairs in Sang Qiu's face these few days, for fear that Sang Qiu was upset.

"Mom, a few days later is Aunt Lu's Uncle Lu's wedding anniversary and Brother Jing Yi's 25th birthday. I heard that the Lu family wanted to choose a fiancée for Brother Jing Yi. What should I do now, Mom?"

Su Anxin couldn't help being anxious when she thought of what happened a few days later. She didn't want Lu Jingyi to marry another woman. Lu Jingyi could only belong to her. She had to find a way to make Lu Jingyi her forever.

Sang Qiu's complexion was slightly dark, and she couldn't see what Su An was worried about. Lu Jingyi was her son-in-law candidate. Now the Su family has fallen so badly. If they can marry the Lu family, it will be very helpful to the Su family.

"Mum will help you think about this, you are not allowed to think about it."

For this matter, Sang Qiu must plan well, and this time she will definitely not allow her to fail.

Su Anxin nodded. She didn't know what Sang Qiu would plan. She promised Sang Qiu on the surface, but secretly she wanted to make a plan for herself, absolutely not letting Lu Jingyi become another woman.

At this time, the door of the tea room was knocked, and Ye Qin's voice sounded from outside, "Miss, Miss Qi is here."

"I know, I'll go out right away."

Su Anxin frowned slightly, what Qi Qing was doing at this time, "Mom, I'm going out first."


Sang Qiu nodded, holding up the teacup in front of him, thinking about things.

Su Anxin got up from her position and walked outside.

Su Anxin and Qi Qing returned to her room together, Su Anxin sat on the sofa in the room, and Qi Qing sat opposite her.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it."

As soon as she saw Qi Qing downstairs, Qi Qing said that she had something to tell her. Su Anxin saw that Qi Qing's expression was serious, as if she had something important to tell her, and brought Qi Qing into her room.

"Something happened to Yu Jiao."

Qi Qing spoke in a deep voice, and Su Anxin glanced at Qi Qing in surprise, "What did you say? What happened to Yu Jiao? What happened?"

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