Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1483: I know you won't let them go (six more)

When Shen Wenwen's car was about to arrive at Lu's house, Qin Tianyue's cell phone rang, and the caller ID was an unfamiliar number. Qin Tianyue's eyes flickered, and she answered the phone. She probably guessed who the call was coming from.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, a familiar voice came from the other end, Qi Qing's voice.

"Hey, Tianyue, will you go to the Lu family for a banquet today?"

Qi Qing's voice was a little nervous, and also a little uneasy.

In the past two days, she heard from Su Anxin's mouth and heard that she would definitely do something today, but this time Su Anxin's mouth was very tight and did not tell her much.

Qi Qing, who didn't know what she was going to do from Su An's heart, was very upset, for fear that something she could not predict would happen.

She knew that Qin Tianyue could tell fortune-telling, so she called to ask if Qin Tianyue would go to a banquet. One was that she wanted Qin Tianyue to figure out what Su Anxin was going to do, and the other was that she wanted Qin Tianyue's help.

She believed that as long as Qin Tianyue helped her, what she wanted would definitely succeed.

"will go!"

"That's great, I am here waiting for you!"

Qi Qing breathed a sigh of relief, said nothing more, and hung up the phone.

Qin Tianyue put the phone away, his lips twitched coldly.

"Qi Qing's phone number? What is she going to do?"

Shen Wenwen is a little strange, what exactly is Qi Qing going to do? Shouldn't you prepare to fight against Su Anxin today?

"do what?"

Qin Tianyue smiled softly, with irony in his smile, "What he does is nothing more than for himself."

Even if she doesn't have a heavenly eye, relying on some things in her previous life, she can guess that today's Su Anxin and Qi Qing must be planning for themselves.

Lu Jingyi is about to choose his fiancée, aren't the two of them nervous and worried? If they don't plan well for themselves today, they will lose their qualifications to be Lu Jingyi's fiancée.

Men like Lu Jingyi are actually attracted by so many women, and they don't know if it is blessing or pain.

She was also stupid at first, as if she had never seen a man, and treated Lu Jingyi as a lover. If it weren't for the heart-piercing pain, she would be like them.

Shen Wenwen nodded, "Tianyue, do you really want to help Qi Qing deal with Su Anxin? Does Qi Qing treat you like that, just forget it?"

Qi Qing didn't calculate Qin Tianyue too much at the beginning, so did Tianyue just forget it?

"Forget it? How could it be forgotten?"

She is the one who must repay her, how could it be so easy to forget.

She knew that even if Qi Qing succeeded, there would still be a lot of pain waiting for her, and that kind of pain would be more uncomfortable than she would deal with her.

Moreover, Qi Qing dealt with Su Anxin, and how could he let off Qi Qing so easily if he held such a grudge against Su Anxin.

Shen Wenwen smiled, as if thinking of something, "I knew you couldn't let them go."

She has been worrying about it indiscriminately. Is such a powerful person as Qin Tianyue still need her to talk about it?

Shen Wenwen drove the car slowly into the Lu family mansion. Shen Yichuan and Wei Xiao had already arrived at the banquet. They knew that she was going to pick up Qin Tianyue, and they didn't say anything, but asked her to be careful on the way.

What the Lu family was going to do this time, Shen Wenwen knew that she didn't want to participate, but was forced to participate by her parents.

She couldn't be selected anyway, because there were Su Anxin and Qi Qing, she was relieved.

She doesn't like Lu Jingyi, the two of them do, so let them grab it by themselves.

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