Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1484: Is your Lord Mo here this time (seventh change)

Many luxury cars drove into the Lu family mansion. The men wore neat suits and the women wore exquisite evening dresses with expensive shawls on their shoulders.

The young daughters stood shyly in front of their parents and greeted their contacts. Most of the people who came here today are wealthy daughters, and most of them know what is going on today.

The young girls wear more delicate makeup than before, and all the dresses are the most exquisite styles, so that they can become the future daughter-in-law of the Lu family today.

Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue got out of the car, glanced at the girls who were going back and forth, and curled their lips slightly, "Don't they all like Lu Jingyi?"

Looking at the dressing of these girls, you know how careful they dress today.

Today, she just chose a humble evening dress at random, just to not stand out.

Originally thought she was dressed casually enough, Qin Tianyue next to her was more casual, and the two of them didn't look like they had come to participate in the election.

But even if Qin Tianyue didn't dress well, she was much more prettier than many of the girls present. Her appearance was not comparable to that of everyone, and even the sister Zhixi, who she had always thought the most beautiful, was not as good as Qin Tianyue.


Qin Tianyue smiled faintly. The girls who came here to participate may really like Lu Jingyi, but they are more interested in Lu Jingyi’s family background. Who wouldn’t want to be married to the Lu family, plus Lu Jingyi’s appearance Not bad, of course girls are more willing.

She was also stupid at the beginning, thinking that she would be worthy of Lu Jingyi as long as she worked hard, but she was not. In the eyes of these girls, she was a joke. Without a good family background, she was nothing more than a decent face. Come to fight.

I didn't know before, and I was reborn once, and my mind became clear, but now I can figure out what I could not figure out before.

"By the way, is your Lord Mo here this time?"

Shen Wenwen took Qin Tianyue's hand and said as he walked.

"Won't come."

She has sacrificed herself, and of course he will not come.

Shen Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Tianyue couldn't help but smile and shook his head. Shen Wenwen was so afraid of the depth of the ink that he breathed a sigh of relief.

The two handed over the invitation and entered the banquet hall at the invitation of the waiter.

There were many people in the banquet hall, with fragrant clothes and shadows, surrounded by champagne. Under the crystal lights, the whole banquet hall was bright and dazzling. In the center, Lu Jingyi's parents were surrounded by many people for blessing.

Lu Jingyi's parents look very good, even if they have passed middle age, they can still see how handsome and beautiful they were when they were young.

Lu Jingyi combined the advantages of the two.

At this time, Lu Jingyi was standing next to his parents, with slender Dan Feng eyes looking at the door. When he saw Qin Tianyue's figure appear, Dan Feng's eyes flashed with a soft light.

He was really afraid that she would not come, but luckily she was here.

Want to see her, because of the many people around, he can only tolerate himself.

Su Anxin was chatting with a group of girls, her gaze kept looking at Lu Jingyi's direction, her eyes were obsessed, she couldn't help looking around, looking at the delicately dressed girls, Su Anxin gritted her teeth, revealing a sure-going look.

Lu Jingyi belongs to her, and she absolutely cannot give him to another woman.

Qi Qing has never been far away. Today, she wore a purple tube top evening dress. Her exquisite figure became more and more delicate with the purple evening dress.


Qi Qing smiled softly at Su Anxin as before, and Su Anxin glanced at Qi Qing's dress today, frowning involuntarily.

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