Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1496: The show has begun (three shifts)

Qin Tianyue shook his head slightly, revealing a gentle smile, "What can be the matter, my clothes are dirty, I just changed my outfit."

Shen Wenwen couldn't understand what Qin Tianyue meant, and he smiled quickly, "It's fine if you change it. I don't know what Qi Qing did. You actually stained your clothes."

"It's okay, just change it."

Qin Tianyue smiled slightly, holding hands with Shen Wenwen and preparing to walk to the resting place on the side.

When passing by Su Zhengyang and Sang Qiu, Qin Tianyue's eyes met Sang Qiu, and both of them had cold smiles in their eyes.

The corner of Qin Tianyue's lips twitched slightly, and the meaning of his smile was unknown.

Sang Qiu, who was dressed elegantly and noble, saw Qin Tianyue's smile, and strange thoughts surged in his heart.

She always felt that Qin Tianyue's smile was a little weird, but she couldn't tell what was weird.

On the other side, the Lu family’s parents greeted the guests, and the banquet was about to begin, but they found that Lu Jingyi had disappeared, and they hurriedly asked people to look around but couldn’t find it.

"Where did Jing Yi go?"

Mother Lu asked suspiciously. Just now, Lu Jingyi was still chatting with some bosses. Why did he disappear suddenly?

"Go and find one more time."

Lu Jingyi's father calmed his face, and the banquet was about to begin. Lu Jingyi suddenly disappeared. How could this be done?

This banquet was apparently held for their husband and wife, but it was actually for Lu Jingyi. Seeing that Lu Jingyi was 25 years old and didn't have any intention to find a girlfriend, the Lu family were very anxious.

Everyone knows that the real purpose of the Lu family's banquet this time is to find a fiancee for Lu Jingyi.


The housekeeper of the Lu family quickly sent someone to find Lu Jingyi.

"How about peace of mind?"

Su Zhengyang, who had been chatting with some group bosses for a long time, finally remembered Su Anxin. The Su family only has Su Anxin. He came here and hoped that the Lu family and the Su family could become relatives in marriage, which would also benefit the Su family.

Su Zhengyang also knew that at Su Anxin's age, the Lu family probably didn't take it into consideration.

Sang Qiu stood beside Su Zhengyang gracefully, and he didn't find Su Anxin after looking around for a week. His brows wrinkled slightly, but Su Anxin disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"An Xin's dress was accidentally dirty just now, so she should have changed her clothes."

A manager's daughter said gently, she just saw Su Anxin accidentally soiled her clothes.

"so it is!"

Sang Qiu smiled softly, not knowing why, she always felt that it was not that simple.

Her daughter, she knows best. She has warned Su Anxin when she came today that she must not mess around. Even if she cannot become Lu Jingyi's fiancée today, she will find opportunities to help her in the future, and she must not mess around at the banquet.

Because of the reason to be with Su Zhengyang, she couldn't always look at Su Anxin.

If she dares to do stupid things again, her reputation will be completely ruined. No, she must find someone to see.

"Mrs. Su, have you seen our house Qingqing?"

A noble lady walked up with a boss in her arms. The lady looked gentle and beautiful, just like ancient beauties. The man looked slightly more ordinary. The two in front of her were Qi Qing's parents.

"Qingqing isn't in the banquet hall?"

Sang Qiu frowned slightly. She thought Su An was not here, but Qi Qing was not there. Where did the two of them go?

"Yeah, I disappeared just now, and I don't know where to go. This banquet is about to begin, so hurry up and look for it."

Mother Qi was a little anxious, they looked around but they didn't find where Qi Qing was going.

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