Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1497: How are you, how are you (four more)

Sang Qiu noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly walked towards the second floor where the guests were resting.

Mother Qi looked at Sang Qiu, thought about it and stepped forward.

At this moment, two servants were standing outside on the second floor. They were servants of the Lu family. Just now I heard a servant say that he saw their young master on the second floor, so he didn't dare to delay and came up to have a look.

The two stood at the door of the first room and were about to knock, when they felt footsteps coming.

"Mrs. Su, Mrs. Qi."

The two servants take a look at me and I take a look at you, whispering respectfully.

Sang Qiu stood in front of the two servants and glanced at the closed door, "You are looking for someone?"

"Yes, the banquet is about to begin, and the young master is also gone. The old lady asked us to look for it."

A maid said in a low voice, in fact, they were also a little strange, how could Lu Jingyi come to the guest resting place.

Hearing that Lu Jingyi was gone, Sang Qiu's complexion changed slightly, and the ominous premonition surging in his heart deepened.

Could Su Anxin really do something stupid?

She is gone, and Lu Jingyi is gone!

"You go down first."

Sang Qiu said softly, and the two servants were taken aback, not understanding why Sang Qiu wanted them to go down.

"Mrs. Su..."

"I'll go on and leave it to me here."

Sang Qiu's expression became cold, and the two servants were startled. How could the gentle and noble Madam Su suddenly be so scary.

At this time, Sang Qiu didn't care about her temper, she was afraid that something would really happen and be discovered.

She knows Su Anxin's character very clearly, she will desperate to get Lu Jingyi, and even resort to some means, exactly the same as she did at the beginning.

Last time Su Anxin told her about Lu Jingyi's birthday party. She comforted Su Anxin to find a way, but because of some things she forgot. Su Anxin came here today and asked her, what should be done?

She yelled at Su Anxin that she must be quiet, she must not be fooling around, but she was still fooling around.

Letting the two servants leave, but also does not want this matter to make a big deal, although I don't know what happened, I also know that it will definitely not be a good thing.

Su Zhengyang, Qi Qing's father, and Mr. Lu and his wife walked upstairs. Su Zhengyang came up to look for Su Anxin, while Mr. and Mrs Lu couldn't wait to come up to look for Lu Jingyi.

Knowing that Lu Jingyi came here, the two of them had some doubts, but they didn't think so much.

"what happened?"

Mother Lu is a beautiful woman, her beauty is profound and beautiful, because she has a quarter of M ancestry.

The few people just came up and didn't know what happened. They only saw that Sang Qiu's expression seemed a little uncomfortable, and her servant stood aside in fear.

Before Sangqiuqi's mother could answer, there was already a harsh scream in the first room.

Everyone's complexion changed, especially Sang Qiu.

The two servants were afraid that something might happen, and hurriedly stepped forward to open the door.

The whole room was filled with a strange smell and a strange smell. Everyone who came here knew what this smell was.

Everyone looked at the room, and the dim room suddenly brightened. Someone was slapped severely, accompanied by Su Anxin's crazy and unbelievable cry.

"How are you, how are you?"

Su Anxin sat on the bed, her whole body was bruised, her face was blushing after the love affairs, and the blushing at this time disappeared, leaving only whiteness and fear.

She couldn't believe what she saw. She was immersed in the affair and suddenly felt something was wrong. She couldn't help asking who was the man who kept her from moving.

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