Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1501: What's the situation now (eight more)

Today is the wedding anniversary of their couple and the birthday party of their son Lu Jingyi. It is a very important day. After being beaten by Su Jiadu's family, it seems that there are others now.

Madame Lu suddenly thought of something, her expression changed slightly.

It is said that his son Lu Jingyi came here, and now there is no figure in the first room, could it be...

Mrs. Lu had no time to think about it, and the second room had already been opened.

When everyone saw the scene inside, they showed weird expressions.

It's a familiar scene again. What happened to the Lu Family?

Because the room was a bit dim, everyone didn't see who the man and woman were in the first time. They could only see the woman sitting on the bed, crying in a low voice that seemed unbelievable.

The tall man on the bed covered his head with a headache, and only recovered when he heard the scream. When he saw himself on the bed, his face became cold.

Lu Jingyi remembered that a servant told him that Qin Tianyue was looking for him.

There is no doubt about him, he went upstairs with a little excitement, and entered the room. Before he had any reaction, he felt dizzy and feverish all over his body.

A woman's soft body approached him, and a sweet fragrance came into his nose. Lu Jingyi wanted to push the person away, but instead he held her tightly. He no longer remembered the next thing.

I only vaguely remember that I was hot all over, and I wanted to ravage the people under him.

If it weren't for the harsh scream, he hadn't recovered.

An exclamation sounded from the door, and Lu Jingyi rubbed his head and looked over. Many guests at the door were looking at them in disbelief. It was his parents headed by them.

Across the crowd, he vaguely saw a familiar figure, it was her Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue and Shen Wenwen stood behind the crowd. Shen Wenwen came late, not knowing what happened.

Shen Yichuan and Wei Xiao looked at this scene with dark expressions, and stretched out their hands to block Shen Warm's eyes to prevent her from seeing such a dirty scene.

How could Shen Wenwen not watch these gossips, especially since there is Su Anxin in it.

As soon as I went upstairs, I saw Su Anxin and Du Jian in the first room, and there was another pair of men and women in the second room. If she read correctly, it seems to be Lu Jingyi, and the woman's crying voice is also like Qi. clear.

It seems that a good show was really staged just now, but it's a pity that it was late.

"You girl's family, watch these less."

Yun Yao stood beside Shen Wenwen, pulling her to stand back.

Shen Wenwen curled his lips, pushed Yun Yao away, ran to Qin Tianyue, and stuck his tongue at Yun Yao.

"Tianyue, there really is a good show."

Qin Tianyue said that there will be a good show today, but he didn't expect it to happen.

No matter what role Qin Tianyue plays in this, it must be the reason Su Anxin and the others are so disgusting.

She knew that Qin Tianyue always did not offend me and I did not offend anyone, and it must be their reason for these two people to do this.

Standing behind the crowd, although I couldn't see exactly what happened inside, I could guess it, plus many people whispered what was just in front of them.

Reminiscing about it, I guessed that Su Anxin and Du Jian were caught and raped in bed, and the two did not admit to each other.

As for the second room, when they went upstairs, they saw that it was opened, and there were screams and crying sounds.

What is the situation now? Lu Jingyi and Qi Qing are also in bed? too messy!

I knew that today's banquet might not be peaceful, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

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