Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1502: It turns out that everything is designed by Su Anxin (one more)

Qi Qing is looking for Tianyue, is it such a thing, is it worth it for Lu Jingyi?

Seeing that she is still crying, she is quite capable of acting, so it's no wonder that Su Anxin, who can trick her, turns around. Su Anxin probably still doesn't know Qi Qing's true face.

"Jing Yi!"

Mrs. Lu's unbelievable voice sounded at the door. She was skeptical, but she felt that her son was so smart and it was absolutely impossible. How could she know that the door was opened and he was really the son.

Even if the room was dim, she could see that it was her son. She couldn't hide it even if she wanted to hide it. So many people looked at it, and where would their Lu family's faces be in the future.

Lu Jingyi is not such a confused person, how could he do such a confused thing?

Lu Jingyi's dizzy head became more and more sober, and he probably knew what was going on now. Without even looking at the crying person beside him, Lu Jingyi took the clothes from the side and put it on quickly.

A slender figure suddenly appeared in the first room. Su Anxin heard Mrs. Lu's voice. She couldn't cry in pain, and pushed away the crowd in disbelief. She ran to the second room and turned on the light, and she saw the familiar one at a glance. Scenes.

Lu Jingyi was getting dressed. Behind him was a messy bed. There was a woman on the bed. Her clothes were torn and she was crying sadly. Because she turned her back to the person, she couldn't see who it was. Somewhat familiar.

"Brother Jing Yi, how could this be?"

Su Anxin's eyes widened in shock and looked at Lu Jingyi in disbelief.

Why is this happening? How could Lu Jingyi, who was supposed to have **** with her, be in bed with other women? Looking at the mess in the room and the bruises on the woman, she knew what had happened just now.

It shouldn't be like this, how could it be?

Su Anxin's red and swollen face that was beaten by Su Zhengyang was full of anger. She opened her angry eyes and ran forward with strides.

She wanted to see which vixen seduce Lu Jingyi, and she wanted to kill the vixen.

Su Anxin stood in front of the bed, grabbed the crying woman's arm fiercely, and roared fiercely, "You vixen, dare to seduce Brother Jing Yi."

Qi Qing was grabbed by Su Anxin's arm, and she raised her head and frowned in pain, "Anxin, you let me go."

"It's you, it's you, how could it be you?"

Su Anxin stared at Qi Qing angrily. She had never thought of Qi Qing before anyone.

Qi Qing is her good friend, she asked her to help, why is Du Jian on her bed behind, but Qi Qing is with Lu Jingyi.

No matter how stupid Su Anxin is, she knows what happened. Qi Qing must have done it. How dare she dare to do this?

"It's you, what a bitch, you dare to lie to me."

Su Anxin threw away Qi Qing's hand, yelled angrily, jumped into bed and strangled Qi Qing's neck, wishing to strangle her immediately.

"I obviously asked you to bring Brother Jing Yi to my bed. Why would you be on your bed? You lied to me. You killed me and I want to kill you."

At this time, Su Anxin couldn't take care of so much, only that Qi Qing had betrayed her and caused her to endure unbearable pain. She is still with her favorite Lu Jingyi.

She knew that Qi Qing had calculated her, but she believed in Qi Qing just now.

Quite a few people stood at the door and exclaimed. Su Anxin's words had already revealed a lot of things.

It turns out that all of this was designed by Su Anxin, but I don't know why this accident happened.

Almost all the people present were human spirits, and Su Anxin's words had already revealed everything. I really didn't expect that the daughter of the dignified Su family was so bold.

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