Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1503: As if expected this scene (two more)

Qi Qing couldn't get rid of this matter. I'm afraid she was also involved in this matter. It is very likely that Su Anxin has been calculated.

Sang Qiu ran out of the first room, and his eyes fell on Qin Tianyue who was standing in the crowd. Sang Qiu's expression flashed through cold, embarrassment flashed across her eyes, and he gave Qin Tianyue a fierce look, and he didn't want to resent Qin Tianyue, Sang. Qiu strode towards the second room.

"Su Anxin, stop."

Sang Qiuqi's head was about to explode. Recently, she had a bad rest from having a nightmare, and now she encounters this incident again, she can't wait to pass out immediately and treat it as a nightmare.

How could Su Anxin listen to Sang Qiu's words, at this time she was so angry that she could not wait to die with Qi Qing.

Qi Qing and Lu Jingyi slept, but she slept with Du Jian. Nausea filled her body. She wanted to kill Qi Qing, the woman who calculated her.

"I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her."

"I obviously asked her to bring Brother Jing Yi to my room, but she lied to me. She slept with Brother Jing Yi and I wanted to kill her."

Whoever snatched Lu Jingyi with her, she would not let her go, especially Qi Qing, who she thought was a friend, Qi Qing's betrayal made Su Anxin even more crazy.

Sang Qiu stepped forward and grabbed Su Anxin's hand, but was pushed aside by Su Anxin, his eyes were scarlet and scary.

Qi Qing breathed hard. She thought that Su Anxin would be angry, but she didn't expect that she would become so terrible that she would dare to kill in front of these many people.

"help me!"

Qi Qing asked for help with difficulty. There were only torn clothes on her body. The clothes were not covering her body. She was so pressed by Su Anxin, almost all the scenery of her body was exposed in front of many people.

Many noble ladies covered their children's eyes to prevent them from seeing.

More people were in an uproar, and Su An was so courageous. Not only did he want to design Lu Jingyi, but now he also wanted to kill.

"Qing Qing, Qing Qing."

Qi Qing's parents ran in quickly, they looked around outside, and suddenly heard someone say that a lot of things happened upstairs.

There were no people who were unwilling to join in the fun, so there were still many people downstairs.

Hearing what happened upstairs, Qi Qing's parents didn't care about anything else. They were afraid that Qi Qing would have an accident upstairs. The two of them saw this scene as soon as they went upstairs, and Qi Qing's parents' expressions changed drastically.

"Dad, mom, save me."

Qi Qing said hard, her voice was intermittent, her eyes were full of tears of grievance and fear, for fear that she would be strangled to death by Su Anxin.

"Miss Su, let go of my daughter."

Father Qi said with a sullen face, and said angrily, "Mrs. Su, will you let your daughter choke my daughter's neck?"

Sang Qiu's complexion was ugly, Su Zhengyang strode forward and grabbed Su Anxin's hand and tugged fiercely.

Su Anxin didn't let go, even if Su Zhengyang caught her, she didn't let go, she just wanted to choke Qi Qing to death and die with her.

She was ruined, and she would never make Qi Qing feel better.

Qin Tianyue watched indifferently, as if he had expected this scene, others watched with gusto, but she showed a mocking smile.


Madam Lu Donglu's cold voice sounded, Su Anxin's hand trembled slightly, and Qi Qing still did not let go.

If she changes to the past, she will certainly please Lu Jingyi's parents, and she will listen to them obediently. Now that such a thing has happened, her reputation is ruined, and she will definitely not be with Lu Jingyi.

Since she can't be with Lu Jingyi, she has nothing to fear.

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