Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1706: Is she the wife (three shifts)

Qin Tianyue left the cafe and did not go home.

If Mo Yishen knew that she was already nearby and didn't find him, he would be unhappy going home.

The weather was good today, and she felt a lot better when she got out of the coffee shop.

I walked to the cake shop to the side and wanted to buy some cakes. Knowing that Mo Yishen didn't like to eat too sweet, so I only bought some cakes that were not too sweet.

Carrying the cake, Qin Tianyue walked towards the Mo group. This time she did not hide her appearance. Now the people in Beijing almost all know her relationship with Mo Yishen. It would be superfluous to cover it up, and the Su family has already dealt with it. There is no need to be afraid of being known, it is better to walk in openly.

As soon as I walked to the Mo Group, I was noticed by many people, and my eyes were amazing.

Entering the lobby of the Mo Group, Qin Tianyue walked straight to the front desk. She did not call Mo Yishen, she wanted to surprise him, nor did she call Mo Yan, she wanted to go up alone.


Qin Tianyue held the cake and smiled softly.

Several receptionists saw Qin Tianyue, looked at Qin Tianyue in awe, and watched Qin Tianyue smile softly at them. Several people showed bright smiles, "Miss, can I help you?"

"I want to ask if your president is in the company?"

Qin Tianyue spoke softly, fearing that Mo Yishen was not in the company at this time, it was better to ask first.

"President Mo?! You are..."

Several receptionists were taken aback for a moment, and one of the older receptionists regained consciousness first.

Such a young and beautiful girl suddenly came to President Mo, who is she? Could it be...couldn't it be...

Thinking about it, several receptionists turned their eyes slightly respectful.

All Mohs Group employees almost know about the things that have been circulating in Beijing during this period of time.

They knew that the wife who came to the company a few times before was not Miss Yun, but the owner of the Xuanyi Shop. They heard that she knew medical skills and fortune-telling, and she was a very beautiful girl.

Suddenly there was such a beautiful girl coming to President Mo, and everyone didn't dare to be careless, for fear that it was the wife who would offend him.

You know, President Mo's Ni Lin is his wife, who dares to offend him.

Everyone knows her name, Qin Tianyue, but she still doesn't know what she looks like. You just know that once you meet a beautiful girl, don't offend it. It's best to ask what the name is.

"My name is Qin Tianyue!"

Qin Tianyue spoke softly. When she said her name, she could clearly hear the sound of gasps from all around her. She tilted her head to look. There were many Mo Group employees around, all with their heads lowered, and they did not dare to look directly at Qin Tianyue. .

God knows that when they know that the beautiful girl in front of them is coming to Mr. Mo, they are boldly guessing whether it is the mysterious lady. Seeing that the figure is indeed similar to the previous few times, they heard her say her own. The name, I didn't expect it to be really the wife.

The lady is so beautiful, even more beautiful than those TV stars, it's no wonder that Mr. Mo can be loved.

"Madam?! President Mo is in the company."

The older receptionist looked at Qin Tianyue in shock and respect, and spoke immediately after returning to his senses.

"Thank you, then I won't disturb you, you are busy."

Qin Tianyue's delicate and beautiful face raised a gentle smile, and the beauty made everyone in a trance.

This was the first time they saw the face of the lady, she was really beautiful and gentle.

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