Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1707: This is the true face of the lady (four more)

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, ma'am, go slowly."

Several receptionists spoke respectfully in unison. Qin Tianyue nodded and walked towards the president’s elevator with her little cake. Wherever she walked, she would hear the word "madam" with respect and admiration.

Qin Tianyue was a little bit dumbfounded, and responded with a smile, suddenly regretting it.


"Hi Madam."


Qin Tianyue smiled gently, standing at the elevator entrance of the president and waiting for the elevator. Many employees of the Mo Group behind him watched. Some employees who had just walked out of the elevator and did not understand the situation stared strangely and were pulled by familiar employees. After telling them not to be presumptuous, and after whispering who the person in front of them was, they shouted respectfully to Mrs. Qin Tianyue.

The president elevator came down soon, and Qin Tianyue walked in and went directly to the top of the Mo Group.

Standing in the elevator, Qin Tianyue suddenly felt a little tight in his chest, and couldn't help covering his chest, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The elevator arrived soon, the elevator door opened, and Qin Tianyue put down his hands and walked out of the elevator.

In front of a few young secretaries with documents, they looked at Qin Tianyue who was walking over with the cake in surprise, and a young secretary asked suspiciously, "Are you?"

How could a woman come out of the elevator? Why is there no one stopping below?

Several secretaries, you take a look at me, I take a look at you, who is such a beautiful girl?

Inexplicably, I felt a little familiar, but suddenly thought of something, several secretaries reacted and hurriedly said, "Madam."

People who can enter the Mo Group are not stupid people, of course, there are exceptions. The little secretaries who can work in the secretary's room are smart people. They can get out of the president’s elevator and no one has stopped them. I am afraid that the only one who looks young and beautiful is that NS.

Today's wife didn't wear a mask, so they almost didn't react. Fortunately, they looked familiar. Those beautiful eyes are not something everyone can have, so everyone quickly reacted.


Qin Tianyue nodded to several people. Of course, the secretaries knew that this was Qin Tianyue's confession of his identity, and they said in a respectful voice, "Good morning, madam."

"Your President Mo is busy?"

Qin Tianyue asked softly, and several secretaries nodded, "President Mo is in the office."

At this time, President Mo is busy in the office, if he knows that his wife is here, he will be very happy.

"I see, go ahead and leave me alone."

Qin Tianyue smiled, several secretaries looked at the cake she was holding, smiled secretly, nodded, and left immediately.

Qin Tianyue walked towards Mo Yishen's office, and the secretaries who had originally left gathered together quietly.

"My God, is this the true face of the lady? She's so pretty."

"Yeah, it's really beautiful and gentle. No wonder President Mo loves Madam so much."

"The relationship between Madam and President Mo is really good."

"Let's go, let's go, there are still many things busy."

"Hmm, let's go."

After the gossip, everyone immediately dispersed.

Standing at the door of Mo Yishen's office, Qin Tianyue took a deep breath, and was about to knock on the door when the office door was opened from the outside.

The eyes behind Mo Yan's glasses met Qin Tianyue, with shock in his eyes. He was about to blurt out the word "Madam", but Qin Tianyue's eyes stopped him.

Qin Tianyue put his hand on the corner of his mouth, hissed, and lifted the cake. Mo Yan pushed his glasses and nodded clearly, walked out of the office, and whispered, "Madam, you can go in."

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