Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 804: Master Xiao is a mysterious man (seven more)

What he said is indeed the truth. There is a master in decoration, and you only need to stare at some. There is logistics in transportation, and you only need to stare. Things are really simple and not hard at all.

Qin Tianyue wanted to help, and they refused to let her help. In the hearts of several of them, Qin Tianyue only needs to rest and do what she likes to do. Leave these to them, and they will do it very well, absolutely not. Will make her worry.

It was she who pulled them out of the mud, she gave them a new life, and she let them go to the peak they had never thought of. They must be her solid backing, and these things will be left to them, she No need to worry about it.

Zhou Yue Luoxi walked out from behind the fruit and vegetable shop and saw that Qin Tianyue had arrived. The two hurried forward, "Boss, you are here."

Qin Tianyue nodded with a smile, "Where are Li Fang and Qi Xuan?"

"Oh, the two of them are helping out at the restaurant. We have to get busy here. The three of us are responsible here."

Luo Xi explained in a low voice, Qin Tianyue nodded, seeing that it was eight o'clock, it was time to open the door, Qin Tianyue and Luo Xi checked again, and when there were no problems, they let the door open and prepare to welcome the guests.

At 8:50, Pinyue Fruits and Vegetables Store Pinyue Beauty Store opened first. Many customers stood at the door and looked back and forth, curious and doubtful. This scene was exactly the same as when the store in City A opened.

A few curious guests came in, and Lu Tianyou hurried up to greet them. After introducing them, everyone curiously tasted the fruits of Pinyue and bought the fruits and the vegetables they needed without hesitation.

Some people outside saw that almost all of the guests who went in bought fruits and vegetables, and quickly walked in. All of a sudden, the fruit and vegetable shop was crowded.

At the beauty shop on the side, many young customers walked in. They were curious, but they didn't want to come out. Everyone bought the essential oil ice cream.

In a short period of time, the popularity of the Pinyue store surprised everyone. Because of curiosity, many people came in more and more. Almost 90% of people who entered the store would buy something.

Luo Xi and the others couldn't stop being busy at all. They knew that even if they didn't publicize, their stuff would definitely become popular, as they had guessed.

At about ten o'clock, Wei Xiao brought a few friends to the door of Qin Tianyue's shop. Knowing that Qin Tianyue's shop was opened today, she brought a few friends and came here to take care of Qin Tianyue's business.

As soon as the car was parked and got off, it was discovered that the Pinyue store was full of people, which surprised Wei Xiao.

Several of Wei Xiao's friends stepped forward and stood beside Wei Xiao, curiously looking at the Pinyue store a few meters away, "A Xiao, this is what you call Pinyue store. Why is the business so good?"

They were all friends who grew up together, and they were married to the wealthy of the capital. Although they were not as well married as Wei Xiao, they also lived happily.

Yesterday Wei Xiao asked them out suddenly, saying that there was a good place to take them. Today, I asked on the road and found out that it was a shop called Pinyue. They had not heard of it, and Wei Xiao told them that it was opened by a genius doctor. Yes, the contents are all refined by the genius doctor himself, and the effect is very good.

Hearing Wei Xiao said, this genius doctor can also tell fortune-telling, and even Master Xiao praised his fortune-telling ability.

Who is Master Xiao? That is a very mysterious big man, who can't be seen by ordinary people. Of course, they are curious about people who can compare with Master Xiao.

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