Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 805: The genius doctor in your mouth is so young (eight shifts)

"I don't know, go in and have a look."

Seeing that there were fewer people, Wei Xiao walked over with some of his friends.

Qin Tianyue is experimenting with the effect of ice cream for a girl full of freckles. There are many people around him staring at him, almost all of them are beauty-loving girls, and there are also a few middle-aged women.

When Wei Xiao came in, he didn't disturb Qin Tianyue. He stood quietly and watched. Several friends looked curiously.

A few minutes later, the girl took the side mirror excitedly, "My face is so amazing, so amazing."

She accompanied her friends out to go shopping, and came here by accident. I heard that it was a beauty shop. My friend was a beauty-loving girl. She entered here out of curiosity. Because she looks like a normal face and is full of freckles, so she always With heavy makeup and a very low self-esteem, I didn't say a word when I entered this Pinyue shop, just watched it quietly.

Suddenly, the light footsteps stopped in front of her, and she smelled a very faint but very nice scent permeating the tip of her nose, raised her head in surprise, and she saw a very beautiful and fairy-like scent. The girl was smiling softly at her, her smile seemed contagious, making her nervous heart suddenly relaxed.

"You are so beautiful!"

She couldn't help murmuring, and the fairy's soft and pleasing voice rang in her ears. She picked up a box of beautifully shaped boxes and handed it to her, telling her whether she wanted to eliminate the freckles on her face.

When she heard her talk about freckles on her face, she couldn't help covering her face anymore, turning her head and didn't want her to see the freckles on her face. She knew that even if she applied countless powders, she could not resist the freckles on her face. Still can't cover it.

"Don't be afraid, the freckles on your face can be eliminated, I promise!"

She looked at her in shock. Later, under the smearing of her slender fingers, she was nervous and scared. Friends had been encouraging her all the time. Ten minutes after smearing, under the surprised voice of her friend, she couldn't help holding it. Looking up in the mirror, she found that the freckles on her face had really faded, and her excited eyes were red.

"We buy, we buy."

"I also buy."

"I want to buy too, and I want to buy that rose essential oil."

All the people who saw the miracle raised their hands excitedly, fearing that it would be gone after a while, and hurried over Qin Tianyue and ran to the counter. After the salesman quickly packed them, they bought Bingjio cream and some essential oils.

The girl with freckles also bought a box of ice cream, even if this box of ice cream is her monthly salary, she will buy it because she wants to be beautiful.

After all the girls bought the ice muscle cream, Qin Tianyue’s eyes fell on Wei Xiao. She had known that Wei Xiao had come to the shop, but at that time she was applying ice muscle cream to the girl, so there was no time to greet her. Now that it was finally empty, she stepped forward and stood in front of Wei Xiao.

"Mrs. Shen."

Qin Tianyue smiled softly, Wei Xiao nodded quickly, and took Qin Tianyue's hand to introduce to some friends, "Tianyue, these are my friends, this is the genius doctor in my mouth, and her name is Qin Tianyue."

"A Xiao, you... the genius doctor in your mouth is so young?"

Several friends were shocked and surprised. They thought that the genius doctor in Wei Xiao's mouth should be a 30 or 40-year-old, but now she is a teenage girl. Wei Xiao also said that her fortune-telling ability is no worse than that of Master Xiao. , This... how does this make them believe?

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