Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 807: This Doctor Qin seems to be really good (two more)

Wei Xiao laughed happily, "Tianyue, you mean Qingqing is pregnant, right?"

The ladies beside Wei Xiao were taken aback for a moment, and smiled joyfully, "Could it be that Qingqing is really pregnant?"

The Qingqing in their mouths was Mrs. Xu sitting in front of Qin Tianyue.

Mrs. Xu married to a wealthy family in J City many years ago. She has a good relationship with her husband. She was pregnant with a child many years ago, but she shed it because of an accident. Relax, the child will come naturally.

The doctor asked her to relax. How could she relax? Her husband is the only child in the family. Seeing her getting older and older, although the husband didn’t say anything, the mother-in-law already had opinions. She herself was sad and hated secretly. My stomach is not up to date.

This time I came back and wanted to relax, hoping that I would not be too depressed.

Wei Xiao is also very clear about her situation. When she asked Mrs. Xu to come out today, she also wanted Qin Tianyue's help.

Qin Tianyue can save her daughter. Qingqing is in a similar situation to her and should be treated as well. She believes that Qin Tianyue will be able to.

"Yes, Mrs. Xu has indeed been pregnant for more than a month!"

Qin Tianyue raised her lips and smiled, looking at Mrs. Xu who was still in shock.

Mrs. Xu covered her belly, her eyes suddenly red, "I'm really pregnant? Really?"

For so many years, how long she has been looking forward to, but the child has never come. When she was desperate, the doctor Qin told her that she had been pregnant for more than a month, how could she not be happy and not surprised.

In the past few days, she was really uncomfortable. She wanted to vomit and couldn’t vomit. The menstrual affairs had been abnormal since the child shed. So she did not pay attention to them. In fact, it was not that she did not pay attention to them, but she did not go here at all. While thinking.

"Congratulations, Qingqing!"

"Great, Qingqing!"

Several friends congratulated Mrs. Xu with joy. Mrs. Xu accepted the congratulations from her friends and quickly asked Qin Tianyue what she needed to pay attention to. Qin Tianyue smiled and told Mrs. Xu, “Madam is in good health. Some are fine."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Madam Xu stood up excitedly and carefully touched her belly, still not convinced that she was actually pregnant.

Wei Xiao was happy for her friend, and Mrs. Xu carefully approached Wei Xiao, "This doctor Qin seems to be really good."

You can tell from her pulse that she has been conditioning her body over the years, which is really amazing.

Wei Xiao smiled softly, seeing that it was too early, and hurriedly greeted her friends to buy things.

After seeing Qin Tianyue's greatness, everyone hurriedly bought a lot of things outside, which was really a big purchase.

"A Xiao, let's go back first."

"Me too!"

Several friends chose good things, carried the shopping bags specially designed by the Pinyue store, and said goodbye to Wei Xiao. After buying some ice skin ointment, they went to the Pinyue Fruit and Vegetable Store. The contents were really good. It's so delicious, they can't wait to buy a lot of them, and plan to take them back to give their family a taste.

There has never been such a day when they can't wait to go back after buying good things, so that their families can see what they bought.

Knowing that Qin Tianyue's restaurant will open today, they are all going to go back and tell their family members that they will bring their family to the Pinyue restaurant for dinner in the evening.

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