Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 808: It turns out not only you have this feeling (three shifts)

After seeing the magic of Qin Tianyue's things, they are also very curious about the things in Pinyue Restaurant. Tonight, they will definitely take their family to the Pinyue Restaurant for dinner.

"Be careful on the road!"

Wei Xiao waved at several friends, several people waved at Qin Tianyue next to Wei Xiao, and Qin Tianyue nodded at several people.

Wei Xiao did not allow Mrs. Xu to drive, and asked her friend to accompany her to go back first, and then everyone would leave after seeing her return safely.

Everyone nodded and drove away from the Pinyue store.

The people who came home showed off the things. The family didn’t believe that there was such a magical thing until they tried ice cream, essential oils, ate fruits from the Pinyue store, and those from the Jiang Pinyue store. I only found out after the vegetables were cooked and eaten. It was really amazing.

After several friends left, Wei Xiao was led by Qin Tianyue to the Chao Pinyue restaurant. The Shen family had already arranged to dine at the Pinyue restaurant, and Qin Tianyue had already prepared a box for the Shen family.

At 11:30, the Shen family came to the Pinyue restaurant and entered the box. Everyone came to the restaurant except Shen Wenwen was absent. Shen Yichuan was sent to Wei's home not far from Shen's home and ordered the Wei family not to Let Shen Wenwen leave Wei's house.

Wei Jia didn't know what was going on, only told Shen Yichuan that he would watch Shen Wenwen and would never let her leave.

After arranging Shen Wenwen, the talents of the Shen family came to the Pinyue restaurant.

The Pinyue Restaurant is similar to the Pinyue Restaurant in City A. It is retro and elegant, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Shen, sat in the upper seat, tasting Qin Tianyue's spiritual tea, and couldn't help feeling that it was really good tea.

As one of the five giants of the Shen family, Mr. Shen has drunk countless good teas, and a lot of good teas of one or two dollars, but he has never drunk such sweet and delicious good tea. I heard from the waiter here what kind of tea it is. , Drinking regularly will make people healthy.

Old man Shen couldn't help but tasted a few more cups, and Mrs. Shen on the side dismissed her wife in vain. She had never seen her husband look like this.

"Dad, this is the fruit from Tianyue's shop, you taste it, it tastes really good."

Wei Xiao put the fruit washed by the waiter in front of Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Shen.

Mrs. Shen picked up the cut apple curiously and put it into her mouth. The apple was crisp and delicious, and it was so delicious.

Mrs. Shen's eyes lit up, "This fruit tastes so good, how do I feel that there is a warm current flowing through my body and it is very comfortable."

"I feel that way too!"

Shen Yichuan couldn't help but speak after tasting a few grapes.

Shen You on the side nodded in agreement, "It's really delicious, I have never eaten such delicious fruit."

Mu Yunchen knew that his wife liked it, so she kept peeling grape skins for her. Shen You was not polite. She ate the grapes with Mu Yunchen's hands. She always felt that after eating a few grapes, there was a warm current flowing through her lower abdomen. Comfortable.

"So it's not just you guys who feel this way?"

Father Shen looked at Shen Yichuan and others.

Wei Xiao looked at the curious and shocked appearance of her family, and slowly explained to everyone, "Tian Yue told me that these fruits are from her orchard, and the fruits are carefully cultivated by her. These fruits can contain health-preserving medicinal materials, which contain medicinal materials. Ordinary people often eat it, and the body will become better and better."

"Yoyou, eat more!"

Mu Yunchen heard Wei Xiao's explanation and quickly asked his wife Shen You to eat more.

Shen Youjiao looked at Mu Yunchen angrily, "Are you raising pigs? How much do you want me to eat?"

Although Shen You complained, she didn't stop. As a daughter of the Shen family, she hadn't eaten anything delicious, but she had a soft spot for Qin Tianyue's fruits, even she herself couldn't believe it.

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