Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 809: Mo Yishen asked you to come (four more)

After the dishes ordered by the Shen family came up, everyone once again admired that they had eaten everything and everything, but after eating the food in the Qin Tianyue restaurant, they no longer wanted to eat other people's food.

After Qin Tianyue greeted the Shen family, he did not accompany them, but stood on the second floor of the restaurant and looked downstairs.

When the restaurant opened, many people came in because of curiosity. Some people complained that the food was too expensive when they saw the recipe. It was much more expensive than the food in many high-end restaurants. Until they ate the food, the complaint no longer existed, everyone. With surprise in their eyes, some guests speed up to eat the food below.

Qin Tianyue smiled with satisfaction, sitting by the window on the second floor, enjoying refreshments.

At this time, a few waves of obviously known guests walked in from the outside. Everyone was in uniform clothes. Men's suits were neat, women's shirts and skirts. They were obviously the elite attire of a certain company.

Seeing these people, Qin Tianyue was obviously taken aback, because she recognized one or two of them. These two people were the employees who had accidentally seen in the lobby of the Mo Group that day.

You don’t need to count, you know that there may be more than ten or twenty people entering the restaurant.

The restaurant waiter warmly stepped forward to greet the employees of the Mo Group. Everyone looked curiously and smiled softly at the waiter. They checked in in twos and threes, and quickly occupied two-thirds of the lobby.

Qin Tianyue put down the tea cup in his hand, his eyes were deep and boundless, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked.

Could it be that Mo Yishen knew that her restaurant had opened and asked his employees to take care of her business?

This man... she suddenly started to miss him again, and it was only a few hours after she had been apart, and his figure appeared in her mind again.

Mo Yan's slender figure walked in from the outside, and there was his assistant beside him. The assistant was talking to him. Mo Yan nodded, his eyes suddenly fell on the second floor by the window, and said a few words to the assistant. Then, walked towards the second floor alone.

Mo Yan saw Qin Tianyue, and Qin Tianyue who had been observing downstairs naturally saw Mo Yan, she nodded at him, Mo Yan smiled respectfully, and walked towards the second floor.


Mo Yan stood in front of Qin Tianyue, Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand to greet Mo Yan to sit down, how dare Mo Yan sit with Qin Tianyue, and hurriedly said, "Madam, I won't sit down, and I will go down to eat later."

Qin Tianyue raised a smile, stood up from his position, and said in a low voice, "Mo Yishen asked you to come?"

"Madam... It was Lord Mo who asked us to come."

Mo Yan wanted to say something else, knowing that Qin Tianyue was not a fool, so he had to tell the truth.

"What about him?"

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yan and asked in doubt, why didn't he come in person.

"Master Mo shouldn't want to disturb you, he was busy when I came out."

Mo Yan lowered his head slightly and replied, "Master Mo shouldn't have a meal yet."

Qin Tianyue's eyes were dim, and he looked at Mo Yan, "You go to eat first."

"Yes! Madam!"

Mo Yan respectfully nodded towards Qin Tianyue, and walked downstairs.

After watching Mo Yan leave, Qin Tianyue walked towards the second floor. Her restaurant has a kitchen on the first floor and the second floor. Because the second and third floors are VIP boxes, the consumption is much more expensive than the first floor, so the dishes are alive. It is more aura than the dishes in the kitchen on the first floor.

She understands what Mo Yan said, and that man Mo Yishen probably did it deliberately. How could she not understand what he meant.

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