Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 820: Is this fruit wine really so powerful (seven more)

"Waiter, bring me three more bottles of fruit wine."

After drinking two bottles of fruit wine, He Lu couldn't help but shouted to the waiter. The waiter nodded quickly and walked out of the box immediately.

The fruit wine came up quickly, and the three bottles of fruit wine were quickly drunk by five people.

"Hey, Lulu, your skin seems to be matte and tender, is it my illusion?"

Yu Jiao couldn't help looking at He Lu beside her. He Lu drank the most fruit wine, and she didn't know if she really believed in fruit wine.

Because of weight loss, He Lu's face has always been paler. He Lu, who has drunk two bottles of multi-fruit wine, now seems to have some red glow on her skin and is delicate and tender. Is it really that kind of fruit wine that works? Is there such a great thing in this world?

"Jiaojiao, your skin seems to be smoother to the touch."

He Lu, who inadvertently touched Yu Jiao's arm, couldn't help but touched Yu Jiao's arm again and found that it was indeed smoother and tender.

When Yu Jiao heard He Lu say this, she quickly touched her arm, and she felt like it was really true.

"I think so, is this fruit wine really so powerful?"

When Kang Jiajia heard Yu Jiao say this, she quickly touched her cheek, "My face seems to be slippery than usual."

Konjiajia happily picked up the fruit wine in front of him and drank it all. She was not drunk at all after drinking most of the fruit wine, which means that the fruit wine may not be intoxicating. Since it is not intoxicating, they drink more.

Qi Qing touched her hand, and felt the same as Kon Jiajia and the others. She quickly looked at Su Anxin and reached out to touch Su Anxin’s arm, “Anxin, your skin seems to be a lot smoother and softer than before. We are white and pink, and now they are much smoother and tender, so why don't we let us live?"

Qi Qing's words contained a lot of compliments. She knew what Su Anxin liked to listen to, and of course what she wanted to say.

Although the fruit wine is effective, it is not as exaggerated as Qi Qing said. As for the others, it is indeed effective. The reason for such exaggeration may be due to illusion.

A little change was a big surprise for them, so everyone ignored the others and praised them.

Su Anxin smiled, with pride in her eyes, raised her hand and touched her skin, and found that it was indeed tender again. This fruit wine was really effective, "How can it be so exaggerated as you said?"

Su Anxin’s mouth is so humble, but the pride in his eyes is caught in the eyes of everyone. Kon Jiajia and others quickly echoed, "Yes, you are the most beautiful here, and your skin is also the best here. Now I drank this fruit wine. , Your skin is better, can you still let us live?"

"Quickly talk about it, do you secretly use any expensive skin care products behind our backs?"

"That's, otherwise, how come your skin gets better and better, and it feels like you are really getting more and more beautiful."

Su Anxin put down her hand, smiled lightly, proud and proud, "What expensive skin care products are not the same as what you use. As for why it is so white, it is probably inherited from my mother."

"Aunt Su's skin is really good."

Kang Jiajia quickly admired that what she said was indeed the truth. Sang Qiu’s skin was really good. Su Anxin had indeed inherited her fair skin, even with Qin Tianyue, but now Qin Tianyue often washes the sutras. How could her skin be comparable to Sang Qiusu Anxin's consumption of such things as Lingshu Lingguo Lingcha.

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