Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 821: How can it be possible to consume so much (eight more)

"That is!"

Su Anxin smiled proudly. After being praised by everyone, Su Anxin's unhappy heart improved a lot, "Since this fruit wine is good, then get a few more bottles. Drink it as you please. I will treat you today."

"An Xin, you are so kind."

"An Xin, then we're welcome."

Su Anxin wants to pay the bill, and of course they have to give her face, not her face.

"Waiter, did you hear that? Hurry up and get five more bottles."

Konjiajia spoke to the waiter standing aside, and the waiter hurriedly picked up five more bottles of fruit wine.

In the box, everyone drank ten bottles of fruit wine. If it wasn't for the swelling of their stomachs, they would like to drink a few more bottles.

The crowd slumped on their chairs, unwilling to move at all. When drinking the fruit wine, the five people's mouths never stopped. Everyone kept eating the dishes in front of them. At this time, the dishes on the table were almost eaten by them. There was nothing. Remaining.

The waiter stood in place and looked at several people, with a plain expression and no expression.

Qin Tianyue, who had been observing Su Anxin, saw that the time was almost the same, and the corner of his lips twitched slightly. It seemed that he was full and it was time to settle the bill.

In the box, Su Anxin sat up straight and coughed. Everyone who was leaning on the chair hurriedly sat up straight. They ate too much. They didn't want to sit up straight, but just wanted to relax.

After eating so many things, not only is the body not uncomfortable, but there is a very comfortable warm current flowing, making them just want to collapse on the chair, not wanting to move at all.

"Let your manager pay the bill."

Su Anxin glanced lightly at the waiter standing by, and the waiter quickly said hello and left the box.

Soon, Fu Qiang walked in with the bill, stood in front of Su Anxin and others, and smiled professionally, "A few of you have eaten well."

"Isn't this nonsense? Didn't you eat so that you can check it out?"

Kang Jiajia couldn’t help but speak. She was an illegitimate daughter of the Kang Group. She was brought up by her mother who was a third child. The third mother only taught her how to return to the Kang Group. Regarding some education, even her mother did not teach her. Good yourself, how to teach your daughter.

It's no wonder that Kon Jiajia didn't speak his mind. After returning to Kang's family, because he was the only daughter of the president of the Kang Group, his personality became more arrogant. After climbing to Su Anxin, his temper was even stronger and unforgiving.

Although Su Anxin looked down on Konjiajia, she often wanted to say what Konjiajia wanted to say, and she regarded it as an extra gun.


Fu Qiang smiled and didn't seem to be angry.

"How many!"

Su Anxin took out the card from her bag. This is the card that Su Zhengyang gave her. There is still about 100,000 yuan in it. Sangqiu will give her more than 100,000 yuan this month. Comfortable, she didn't go out to use it much, only came out to buy some things in the past two days, so there are some leftovers this month, and it is precisely because of the leftovers that she dare to say that she treats herself.

This Pinyue restaurant is not cheap, and she should be able to do it for 100,000 yuan.

"You spent a total of 1.053,000 yuan. Our Pinyue restaurant has just opened, so you can erase the fraction and charge you 1.05 million."

Fu Qiang said softly, looking at Su Anxin all the time.

"One hundred and fifty thousand?"

"What did you say about one hundred and fifty thousand?"

"How could it be possible to consume one hundred and fifty thousand?"

He Lu, Kangjiajia, couldn't help shouting, they thought it was tens of thousands at most, how could it be possible to consume one million?

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