Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 838: They are more spicy and beautiful, save me (one more)

The disgusting man turned his head and glanced at Shen Wenwen Qin Tianyue. The appearance of these two people was indeed more beautiful than Su Anxin, especially the **** the far right. When she closed her eyes and was quiet, she was really ecstatic.

"Aren't they beautiful? Go and touch them. Don't touch me. If you want money, I will call my parents and they will give you as much as you want."

In order not to be touched, Su Anxin said despicably, her pupils dilated and she looked at Qin Tianyue's body warmly.

"Haha, little beauty, I didn't expect you to be so mean at a young age, I like it! I like you so hot and mean."

The disgusting man laughed, Su Anxin didn't expect to be self-defeating, her complexion changed and she was pale and weak.

"They are hotter and more beautiful. If you don't believe me, try it."

Su Anxin screamed, her eyes full of horror.

"But they are in a coma. I like people who are awake, so I can feel it when I touch it. What's the point of not resisting it?"

The disgusting man smiled, he likes the kind of sober and will resist, what's the meaning of touching in a coma, and he can't see the panic expression.

"They woke up, I saw them move, otherwise you go and see, they really moved."

Su Anxin pushed towards Shen Wenwen, hoping to awaken Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue.

Pushed by Su Anxin's merciless actions, Shen Wenwen could no longer pretend, raising his head and glaring at Su Anxin, "Su Anxin, you are really despicable and shameless."

Shen Wenwen's tone was very cold, very cold. The cold Su Anxin was stiff in place. She didn't expect Shen Wenwen to wake up. What should I do now? Shen Wenwen must know what he did just now?

"Sister Warmth, I didn't mean it, you save me, you want to save me."

The despicable and shameless Su Anxin hurriedly approached in the direction of Shen Wenwen, pretending to be pitiful for help.

Shen Wenwen leaned in the direction of Qin Tianyue disgustedly, and didn't want Su Anxin to approach her at all.

Seeing Shen Wenwen's obvious disgust, Su Anxin's eyes flashed coldly. Why, why didn't she save her, and approached the woman so disgustingly?

"Su Anxin, don't call me warm sister in the future, I'm afraid it will disgust me."

Shen Wenwen looked at Su Anxin in disgust. He used to think that Su Anxin was not very good, so he had never been lukewarm to Su Anxin, neither disgusted nor liked it, but now Shen Wenwen completely hated and hated Su Anxin.

Su Anxin's complexion changed, and her whole body was stiff in place. She knew that she and Shen Wenwen were completely torn apart today.

"Wake up, just wake up!"

The disgusting man watched Shen Wenwen wake up, smiling brilliantly, his black teeth made Shen Wenwen frown in disgust.

"Do you despise me too?"

Seeing Shen's warm expression with his own eyes, the disgusting man has a gloomy face. He has been bachelor for forty to fifty years in his life, all because these women dislike him, dislike him for being ugly and have no money in his family. What he hates most is that women dislike himself. NS.

The disgusting man approached Shen Wenwen, Su Anxin sat aside, her eyes suddenly fell on Qin Tianyue, a cold light flashed under her eyes, "That woman has also woke up, and her skin is the tenderest."

What she hates most is Qin Tianyue. If the disgusting man's attention is turned to Qin Tianyue, Shen Wenwen will not hate her that much anymore.

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