Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 839: I saw her staring at you behind her back (two more)

It's a pity that Su An thought wrong. When she said this, Shen's warm eyes became more and more angry.

Qin Tianyue raised his head and glanced at Su Anxin faintly. His gaze was dim, but Su Anxin's back was chilled, but a waiter, why did his eyes look so scary? She must be wrong.

The disgusting man's gaze fell on Qin Tianyue, his eyes lit up. This woman is really beautiful, even more beautiful than the other two women. Even under the dim light, this skin is still shiny and tender. He could not wait to step forward and touch it, since he was awake, he was not welcome.

The disgusting man showed his black teeth and walked in the direction of Qin Tianyue.

"you dare!"

Shen Wenwen was protecting in front of Qin Tianyue. She clearly saw the light in the eyes of the disgusting man. She knew that she was heading towards Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue can protect her, and she will also protect Qin Tianyue, even if she is weak.

Qin Tianyue looked at Shen Wenwen in front of him and softened his eyes. He knew that he was insufficient, but he still wanted to help her. This was a true friend!

Qin Tianyue raised his head and fell on the disgusting man, a sharp light flashed under his eyes, and a faint golden light flashed, "Do you dare to touch me and try? Are you afraid that your hands will be abandoned?"

"Hahaha, the little girl has a big tone? Since we dare to arrest you, what else is there to be afraid of."

The disgusting man laughed, not afraid of Qin Tianyue's words at all, they were like birds in a cage, he was afraid of nothing, nothing.

Qin Tianyue coldly curled her lips, "Really? Aren't you afraid of that beautiful woman who was killed? I can see that she is staring at you behind you?"

Qin Tianyue's tone suddenly became weird, his eyes fell behind the disgusting man, his back numb, as if he really felt that there was a yin wind behind him, his body trembled, his back was stiff subconsciously, and he looked at Qin Tianyue with a pale face. "You... how did you know that I killed a beautiful woman?"

How would this girl know? He was so concealed that even the police could not find out. How could she know?

It has been a long time since that incident, but he always felt that someone was following him, and his back was always cold. The girl just scared him so much that he only felt that his legs were stiff, as if they were being tightly clasped.

When Shen Wenwen saw that the man was frightened, her heart relaxed, she knew that Qin Tianyue had a way. This man actually killed a beautiful girl. It was damned.

He was ashamed to ask how Tianyue knew?

Su Anxin sat on the spot with her eyes on Qin Tianyue. Why did she feel that this woman was a little weird more and more?

I can't tell the strangeness, but I think it's strange, inexplicably irritable, and annoying.

While the man was stiff and not paying attention to her, Su Anxin quietly ran towards the door, trying to run out, leaving here and returning home, she couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't stay here, or she would be crazy of.

She wants to run out before the man pays attention.

I have to say that Su An was too naive in thinking. Su Anxin ran to the door happily, and just opened the door, his face changed drastically.

When the disgusting man reacted, Su Anxin had already opened the door, and when he saw the door beyond Su Anxin's eyes, his expression was similar to Su Anxin's.

Just now, Liao Kui and Gao Yueping warned them that they should never come in alone. He could not help but sneak in while they were eating. He just wanted to touch and leave. He knew that he would be uncontrollable. Now he was discovered. Ruined.

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