Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 852: If you don’t believe me, go back and ask your daughter (seven more)

Sang Qiu’s eyes were cold, and her tone was very cold. At this time, she could not care about the elegant, noble, gentle and kind-hearted outfit. During this time, because of the pustules on her face, she had a bad temper, but now she meets her daughter again. , How could it still be installed?

Wei Xiao was about to speak, Shen Wenwen grabbed Wei Xiao's hand and took a step forward and looked at Sang Qiu, "Mrs. Su, then I will tell you why I am fine, but Su Anxin has become like this."

"She had an accident and she would drag me into the water to let those people insult me. If it weren't for my friend here, I might be worse than your daughter."

Sang Qiu’s rude questioning made Shen Wenwen very uncomfortable. She was telling the truth. At that time, Su Anxin was molested by Zhang Shi, and Su Anxin asked Zhang Shi to come and insult her and Qin Tianyue in order to keep herself safe. If it weren’t for Qin Tianyue, she would have been An accident happened, and Su Anxin did something like that later, and Shen Wenwen's sympathy for Su Anxin disappeared completely.

Shen Wenwen said it out, Sang Qiu's pupils were slightly open, and he did not trust him at all, "No, I don't believe it!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask your daughter. I didn't expect her to do such a thing at a young age? Madam Su really taught a good daughter."

Shen Wenwen wanted to say something, but Wei Xiao stopped him. Wei Xiao squeezed her daughter Shen Wenwen's hand. Her gentle eyes became cold. She didn't expect that so many things happened in the middle, but Su, who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. Can An Xin be so mean?

She still feels that Su Anxin is the daughter of the Su family after all, and her mouth is usually sweet. She doesn't hate Su Anxin and still likes it. She didn't know that Su Anxin was a wolf in sheep's clothing. She actually fell into trouble. Her daughter is in danger. If it weren't for her daughter to speak out, she wouldn't know that so many things had happened.

"If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask your daughter!"

Shen Yichuan sank his face. His daughter was treated like this by Su Anxin. How could he stand it? Even if he was from the Su family, Shen Yichuan would not be afraid, even if he was torn apart with the Su family, what would he be afraid of? I am afraid it was her Su family. .

Sang Qiu's face behind the mask was very ugly. Although she said she didn't believe it, she knew that her daughter would be able to do it. She was too impulsive.

Sang Qiu closed his eyes angrily and opened his eyes to cover up his anger, "If my daughter does something like this, I will definitely let her come to the door to apologize."

After Sang Qiu finished speaking, Leng Hun strode towards the door, she still needed to see if Su Anxin had anything to do.

The Shen family is not the one that the Su family can tear her face now, no matter how angry she is, she can't be too obvious.

"No, my Shen family can't stand the apology from your Su family."

Shen Yichuan Weixiao spoke at the same time, Sang Qiu stopped, and then left without looking back.

"Parents, I love you."

Seeing the handsome appearance of his parents, Shen Wenwen was really happy.

"Okay, luckily you are fine today, you scared us to death."

Wei Xiaoxin still had some lingering fears, and took Shen Wenwen's hand.

"I know I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again next time."

Shen Wenwen hurriedly hugged Wei Xiao and Shen Yichuan to act like a baby, so Wei Xiao and Shen Yichuan couldn't bear to blame her.

"Follow my sister, my sister will take you home."

After Wei Xiao and Shen Yichuan were no longer angry, Shen Wenwen took the little boy by the side and got into his luxury car.

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