Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 853: She was not caught deliberately (eight shifts)

Wei Xiao watched tenderly from the side, his eyes fell on the luxury car left by the Su family, and his face slightly sank, "Nuannuan, in the future, you will avoid people like Su Anxin."

"Mom, I know. I didn't like her in the first place. Now that she framed me like this, it's too late for me to avoid her. How could I still be with her."

Originally didn't interact with Su Anxin, now Su Anxin still treats her like that. She hates her and hates her. It's too late, how can she interact with her?

"That's good, Sang Qiu is not easy, Su Anxin was taught deeply by her. She is still young now, and will be older in the future, I am afraid her scheming is about the same as Sang Qiu."

Wei Xiao's eyes flashed, and Shen Wenwen nodded.

Shen's car drove away slowly, and Shen Wenwen looked out the window, not knowing what happened to Qin Tianyue?

Their mobile phones were taken away by the kidnappers when they were caught and turned off. Now there is no way to contact Qin Tianyue, and I don't know why she ran away in such a panic just now.

Why Qin Tianyue ran away in a panic, of course, has something to do with Mo Yishen.

Just after Liao Xin escaped, Qin Tianyue thought it was the police who came, and quickly walked out. Before leaving the factory building, she felt an unusual atmosphere. She quickly hid behind the factory and her eyes fell into the darkness.

Dozens of people in black gathered in the darkness, and they almost surrounded the entrance of the factory building. After seeing Mo Xiao Mo Rock, Qin Tianyue's forehead suddenly ached. She knew that Mo Yishen must have discovered this.

Damn, you can't be caught by him, or she will feel better for a while, so when you don't run away now.

It was impossible to escape through the door. He could only escape from another place. Qin Tianyue hurriedly ran into the room where he was arrested.

Just as Shen Warm comforted the little boy, he raised his eyes and saw Qin Tianyue's panicked expression, "Tianyue, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I'm leaving now, don't worry about me, your parents will come and pick you up in a while, so you can wait here first."

After Qin Tianyue finished speaking, he ran towards the side window, quickly opened the window quietly, jumped down quickly, and ran towards the depths of the fishing village, hoping that Mo Yishen would not find himself.

Qin Tianyue quickly shuttled through the fishing village at his fastest speed. Apart from the abandoned houses in the fishing village, there were some tall trees.

There seemed to be no road ahead, Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on a large tree in front of him, stepped on the trunk, and leaped up to sit on the branch.

There doesn't seem to be any movement around, she shouldn't be found.

Qin Tianyue let out a sigh of relief, leaned against the tree trunk, and patted her forehead with her hand in annoyance. Why did she run so fast? Like a mouse saw a cat? What is she afraid of? Didn't she get caught on purpose?

It's not deliberate. If she tells Mo Yishen that he did not deliberately, he will clean up her immediately. How can she be caught so easily with her ability?

Okay, stay here first, maybe he didn't find himself and left.

That's a good idea, just do it!

Qin Tianyue raised his head and looked at the night sky, and suddenly found that the sky tonight is very beautiful. It is close to the sea, and the night sky not far away is shining with many shining stars. The starry sky is reflected on the sea, and there is an amazing beauty.

With steady footsteps moving from far to near, Qin Tianyue's ears moved slightly, and he quickly held his breath and looked down.

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