Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 907: Follow me to Su's house immediately (six shifts)

"This eldest sister, since it's not the thirty-fifth, let's line up first. As for the treatment, we will wait until you are in line."

Valin unceremoniously issued an expulsion order. Those who come to Xuanyipu for treatment know that Xuanyipu emphasizes rules. There must be rules in queuing, and there must be rules in seeing a doctor. There is absolutely no way of jumping in line or insulting doctors. , Otherwise it will be listed as a lifelong non-seeing doctor.

Although the purpose of their Xuanyi shop is to serve the people, they have to look at which people they serve. These impolite people will never be polite.

The seventy-odd number wanted to jump in the line, listening to the tone, this person is just a servant of the Su family, so rampant, and I don’t know where this Su family is, so it doesn’t look like a good place, otherwise it wouldn’t be so arrogant. The servant.

"Doctor, our Su family can give you as much money as you want, as long as you go and treat your wife immediately."

Ye Qin's expression remained unswerving when he saw that Hualing had to chase her down. Didn't these people open the drugstore just to make money? She tempted her with interest, not believing that she was not tempted.

"No matter how much it is, my doctor's shop always adheres to the rules. You'd better queue up."

Valin didn't eat this set at all, and Ye Qin angrily stared at Valin.

Although Ye Qin is a servant, she is considered to be a person of status in the Su family. Every time she goes out, she only needs to move out of the five largest Su family. No one is envious and jealous of her. Now a person from a drugstore treats her like this. Being impolite is really hateful.

"Let's say, how much money do you want, as long as you cure my wife, we are willing to give it no matter how much it is. You will go to Su's house with me right now, and it will definitely benefit you a lot."

Ye Qin smiled coldly and added another sentence, "Maybe it will be more than a lifetime doctor in your doctor's shop."

"Who is it, is it great to have money? Does the doctor's shop lack money?"

"Yes, it's great to have money. You actually jumped in the queue. The seventy-plus number should wait slowly."

"Be polite to Doctor Valin, the Xuanyi Shop is not easy to provoke."

Many patients at the Xuanyi Shop were dissatisfied and whispered outside.

Ye Qin was also thick-skinned. She knew that she had to complete the task given by Sang Qiu today, so she ignored what others said.

Valin sorted out the medical records in front of him, and was about to speak, his eyes fell on the slim figure who walked in.

Qin Tianyue saw Ye Qin in the lounge, and probably guessed what Ye Qin came here for, but he wasn't particularly sure.

Seeing that Ye Qin was arguing outside, Qin Tianyue took out the medical mask made by Xuanyi's shop and put it on his cheek.

Ye Qin has met her, and now she doesn't want Ye Qin to recognize it, so it's better to wear a mask.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Tianyue walked into the room where Hualing diagnosed and treated patients from the outside and spoke in a cold voice.

Valing was about to say hello to Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue winked at Valing and shook his head at her. Valing nodded clearly, and she choked in her throat when he blurted out.

Ye Qin looked back at Qin Tianyue, a strange light flashed in her eyes. She could see that the girl in front of her was also a young girl, with good figure and elegant temperament. It was a pity that she wore a white mask on her cheeks, so she could only see. To a pair of crystal clear eyes.

"You are?"

Ye Qin returned to his senses and asked with a low frown, a doctor at a small doctor's shop is so young, can people believe his medical skills?

The temperament that this girl wearing a mask exudes is even more noble than that of the lady and the young lady. It's really a **** of a ghost.

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