Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 908: Not going to the clinic, the five giants have never heard of it (seven more)

"I'm a doctor from Xuanyi Shop!"

Qin Tianyue's voice behind the mask was very weak, and he could not hear any ups and downs.

"Since you are the doctor at the Xuanyi Shop, then which one of you has better medical skills."

Ye Qin looked at Hualing Qin Tianyue back and forth, and Qin Tianyue snorted, "Naturally, Doctor Hualing's medical skills are better. I don't know what you mean by asking that?"

Valin stood by silently, not understanding what Qin Tianyue was going to do for a while?

"Since she is good at medical skills, let her go to Su's house with me. My wife is a little uncomfortable recently and needs a doctor to see it. Money is not a problem. As long as you cure my wife, you can take as much as you want."

Qin Tianyue sneered in his heart when he heard that Ye Qin boasted so much. He could really say that as much as he wanted?

"I'm really sorry, our doctor at the doctor's shop is not going to see you today."

Qin Tianyue opened his eyes and said nonsense, Hua Zhenzhu and several people went to the clinic today. The reason why they didn't go to the clinic was all about Ye Qin.

It seems that it is really Sang Qiu's cause. Is it because the scars on his face can't help it? Even their small drugstores have not let it go?

"What are you talking about? Not going to the doctor?"

Ye Qin's face was gloomy and terrible, and after so long, she couldn't say to go to the doctor.

Seeing what Qin Tianyue said, Valin hurriedly agreed, "Today, the doctor at my Xuanyi shop does not go to see a doctor. If you want to see a doctor, ask your wife to come to the Xuanyi shop for treatment and remember to arrange the number."

However, a servant is so disgusting, presumably the lady is not much better. Tianyue has never been accustomed to seeing such bullying people, this time especially, he seems to be even more merciless towards this middle-aged woman.

"Yes, no visit!"

Qin Tianyue said coldly, with a firm tone.

Ye Qin gritted her teeth fiercely, and after a long time, she didn't arrange the numbers. If she couldn't see the doctor for his wife today, she knew how sad her own life was.

"Don't hesitate to ask as much as you want. Just go and see my wife. I am the Su family, and our Su family is one of the five giants in the capital."

Ye Qin thinks that these people definitely don’t know which Su family they are talking about, so they refuse. Who doesn’t want to climb into the top five giants, and now they have the opportunity to spread such a small drug to the top. .

"Five giants? Never heard of it!"

Qin Tianyue and Hualing Qiqi said that Ye Qin was almost vomiting blood with the blank expressions of the two. He hadn't even heard of the five giants. Did these people come from outer space?

"Are the five giants great?"

"Yes, even if the five giants come to the Xuanyi Shop, they still have to line up."

Several patients from the doctor's shop stood in front of the room where Hualing was seeing the doctor, and said coldly, the eyes that fell on Ye Qin were very unfriendly, and this person was extremely abhorrent for delaying their treatment.

Are the five giants great? If it's great, why are you robbing Dr. Valin here?

After being discussed by many people, Ye Qin gritted her teeth fiercely, knowing that it is impossible to be tough today. In order for these people to see a doctor for Sang Qiu, she must lower her posture.

If these people can't take the wife's disease well, she will definitely not be polite to them and insult herself again and again, except for the wife, who dares to treat her like this.

"Doctor, you can do it, I am also a servant, so you can help me, go and help my wife to see the illness."

Ye Qin's eyes were reddish, as if she was about to cry in the next moment.

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