Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 909: Ma'am, are you crying enough (eight shifts)

"I know it's not good for me to jump in the queue, and I know that my attitude was bad just now. That's all because I was too anxious about running around for my wife recently. As long as you help my wife heal, you can do whatever you want."

Ye Qin pretended to be pitiful, wiping tears, and Valing's eyes fell on Ye Qin, frowning slightly.

This person just looked like a bully, and now he has such a pitiful appearance, it really makes people uncomfortable.

Qin Tianyue watched coldly, letting Ye Qin not be moved by crying, she wanted to see how long she could cry.

Many patients outside the door have very bad complexions, and they have been delayed to see a doctor. Now they still have to watch her acting.

"Auntie, have you finished crying, can you leave after crying? We are still waiting for the doctor."

A young girl said in a cold voice, she was the 38th, and it was almost time to reach her, but now because of Ye Qin's trouble, I don't know how long it will take to reach her.

Ye Qin's crying stopped instantly. She thought she was crying so pitifully, and the two people in front of her would definitely feel softhearted. How could she have known that they just watched so coldly and kept her crying for so long in vain.

"Auntie, are you crying enough?"

Qin Tianyue put his hands around his chest, and the thin lips behind the mask slightly aroused, "If you cry enough, please leave the space and time to the patients at our Xuanyi Shop. As for your wife, if you are really sincere to let our Xuanyi Shop see a doctor, Then let her come by herself."

"Yes, remember that not all music scores can be put on the Xuanyi Shop."

Valin said in a cold voice, Ye Qin gritted his teeth fiercely, glanced at several people angrily, and turned away dissatisfied.

After Ye Qin left, many patients cheered.

Qin Tianyue's eyes fell on Ye Qin's leaving figure, and with a cold smile, Hua Ling walked to her and asked in a low voice, "Tianyue, did this person offend you?"

Valin can feel Qin Tianyue’s dislike of this middle-aged woman. Valin knows that their masters have always had good self-control. She doesn’t like anyone who usually hides it well. If you don’t hide it, it means that she really hates that. People, and it's very annoying.

"Sister Hualing, did you see it?"

Qin Tianyue laughed softly, took off his mask, revealing that charming and charming face.

If Ye Qin was still standing here, she would definitely be shocked. She thought that Qin Tianyue should be in a small place like Huanshan Village, not in a place as big as the capital, and stood in the Xuanyi shop taunting her.

"Can't you see it? What you do is so obvious?"

Valin couldn't help smiling, "Did she offend you?"

"Well, count it!"

Qin Tianyue pursed her lips and nodded, as if joking.

Hua Ling's face was slightly dark. Although Qin Tianyue's words seemed to be joking, she could tell that she really disliked the middle-aged woman who had just sought medical attention.

Dare to offend their sect master, she must not make them feel better.

"If the wife in her mouth comes here to see a doctor, Sister Hualing, you are welcome! Those poor children should also have a larger income."

Qin Tianyue curled his lips slightly, and Valing opened his eyes slightly. The beautiful face flashed with doubts, "We have all done this to her, will they come again?"

The servant was so angry that she didn't know how to arrange their mysterious doctor shop when she went back. She didn't believe that the wife she said would come here in person.

"Yes, why not?"

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly, "Only I can deal with her poison, of course it will come."

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