Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 911: Bai Chuxia came to the capital secretly (second shift)

Since Bai Chuxia has become more involved in becoming a family with herself, if she counts Bai Chuxia, the picture will be blurred. In order to find Bai Chuxia as soon as possible, Qin Tianyue called Mo Yishen.

Mo Yishen heard the worry in her tone, and quickly comforted her, and told her that he would come over immediately.

Qin Tianyue stopped him and told him that it was not a big deal. Knowing that he was very busy during this time, Qin Tianyue refused to let him come over and let him work on his own affairs. After a while, she found someone to call him.

After talking with Mo Yishen, Qin Tianyue sat in the car and closed his eyes, thinking of Bai Chuxia in his heart.

A blurry picture appeared in Qin Tianyue's mind. There were pictures of Bai Chuxia after getting on the plane, pictures of her after getting off the plane, and pictures of her taking a taxi.

Although the picture is blurry, fortunately, I still know a little bit.

Knowing that Bai Chuxia was safe, Qin Tianyue was finally relieved.

She did not expect that Bai Chuxia would come to her by herself. She knew that Bai Chuxia had always wanted to be by her side. This time she came to the capital with only one note left.

The last time she talked with Bai Chuxia, she asked her address carefully. At that time, she didn't think about it. She didn't expect that she wanted to come here alone.

In fact, she has always known that Bai Chuxia wants to be by her side. Since the first meeting, Bai Chuxia has been dependent on her more deeply.

She...Qin Tianyue sighed helplessly. Now it's useless to say this. The most important thing at the moment is to find Bai Chuxia.

She saw Bai Chuxia get off the plane, she knew where she was, and she was probably in this area now.

After thinking about it, Qin Tianyue got out of the car and looked for a location near the Xuanyi Shop.

On the way to find, Qin Tianyue counted with her eyes from time to time. Even if she didn’t see clearly, she kept counting, trying to see clearly what was in those blurry pictures, even if her eyes and body were very uncomfortable, she still Counting the whereabouts of Bai Chuxia.

Suddenly, a picture made Qin Tianyue's complexion drastically changed, and he went straight to find somewhere.

Bai Chuxia wanted to come to Qin Tianyue for a long time. She stayed at home and studied every day, trying to receive knowledge. She knew that she must be not working hard enough, so sister Tianyue didn’t take her to the capital, so she had to work very hard. Study hard and can no longer be autistic like before.

She studied day and night, and finally made progress, she called Qin Tianyue, listening to Qin Tianyue's sweet voice on the phone was the best moment she thought.

Today, she finally couldn't help it. Last time she went out with Qin Tianyue, so she knew how to go to another city. She already knew the address of her shop from Qin Tianyue's mouth, and when she was ready, she immediately left Jinding Community .

While Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang were out, she left the house, after thinking about it, she left a note so that they don't have to worry about themselves.

After buying the plane ticket, the moment she got on the plane, her whole heart was excited. The moment she got off the plane, looking at the strange environment, she smiled.

Because she knew that she was breathing the same air as Qin Tianyue.

Taking out the notebook he planned, Bai Chuxia thought about what he would do next.

Yes, take a taxi!

Bai Chuxia stood in the airport and carefully looked at the people coming and going. After a while, he followed some people to the outside of the airport.

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