Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 912: Go to this place, get off me quickly (three shifts)

A middle-aged woman had noticed Bai Chuxia when she got off the plane. Seeing Bai Chuxia alone, the middle-aged woman hurriedly stepped forward. Taking advantage of Bai Chuxia’s failure to pay attention, she slammed her into her hand. A wallet appeared. After the middle-aged woman succeeded, she hurriedly left Bai Chuxia.

Bai Chuxia didn't know that her wallet had been stolen, so she rubbed her bumped shoulder and looked at the middle-aged woman who was leaving blankly.

Looking at the people coming and going in the airport, Bai Chuxia was at a loss again, and she wanted to ask where to find a taxi but she didn't dare.

Standing in place for a long time, Bai Chuxia finally mustered up the courage to pull a young girl. She wanted to make progress and couldn't do the same as before.

"Please...Where can I take a taxi?"

"Taking a taxi? I ​​want to take a taxi too, let's get together!"

The girl was enthusiastic. Seeing that the girl pulling her was a very young and beautiful girl, she smiled and answered Bai Chuxia.

Bai Chuxia let out a sigh of relief, and nodded with a stiff smile, "Okay, thank you!"

"No thanks, let's go!"

The girl took Bai Chuxia to the taxi position.

"Girl, where to go?"

Bai Chuxia got into the car, the taxi master looked back at Bai Chuxia, and found that it was a very young girl, and asked in a low voice.

"Go to this place!"

Bai Chuxia took out his notebook and handed it to the taxi master. The taxi master nodded, his eyes fell on Bai Chuxia again, his eyes flashed, "Okay, I'll take you there."


Bai Chuxia took back her notebook and sat quietly in the car, looking at the scenery outside the car window, with a smile on her lips. She was about to see her sister Tianyue. I wonder if Tianyue sister would be upset when she saw her. ? Would you criticize her? Even if it was criticism, she didn't want to leave!

The taxi master took Bai Chuxia around the detour and drove for an hour and finally reached the vicinity of Qin Tianyue's shop.

"The girl is coming soon!"

The taxi master reminded Bai Chuxia that this young girl had come to Beijing for the first time, and there was no adult to accompany her.

"My... wallet seems to be missing."

Bai Chuxia touched her purse and found that the purse that was in her pocket had disappeared. Anxiously, her eyes turned red.

"What? The wallet is missing?"

The taxi master parked the car on the side of the road and looked back at Bai Chuxia with a cold eye. Didn't he ran away without money?

"Get off, get off me quickly!"

The taxi master said mercilessly, and Bai Chuxia got out of the car at a loss.

The taxi master stood in front of Bai Chuxia and looked at her condescendingly, "Do you have any money on you? If you don't have money, I won't drive you."

I thought it was a big sheep, but now I have no money? Then he didn't run away in vain.

Bai Chuxia quickly searched for the rest of her pockets, and there were dozens of dollars in change.

The taxi master took a look and quickly grabbed Bai Chuxia’s change, "I’m unlucky today."

After all, the taxi master took down Bai Chuxia's luggage, "There is no long way, you can go by yourself."

After giving the luggage to Bai Chuxia, the taxi master said angrily, and turned to his car and left.

Bai Chuxia was thrown on the road, and the eyes of many people around her fell on her, she was a little afraid and a little timid.

No, she can't be afraid, absolutely not, she has to work hard to be by Qin Tianyue's side. If even these people are afraid, how can she stay by her sister Tianyue's side.

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