Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1036: If you are jealous, take her over

Mu Tianze curled his lips and curled up the corners of his mouth mockingly, "Can there be a simple person in the Bai family?"

He couldn't be more clear about what kind of person it was with the same blood line as Mu Tianyou.

At the other end, Yuan Jingchu and Mulin Che were surrounded by the elders, and finally broke through the siege and returned to the dormitory.

After skillfully sautéing the last green vegetable, Yuan Jingchu shouted upstairs: "Lin Che, we have dinner!"

As soon as Mu Tianze and Gong Yu walked in, they heard such a sentence. They were even more surprised when they walked into the hall and saw the sumptuous dishes and soup on the dinner table. Yuan Jingchu was a little surprised that they happened to be back. He hesitated and asked, "Would you eat together?"

Gong Yu was expressionless.

Mu Tianze glanced at him, smiled, and said: "Okay! Then it's better to be respectful!"

After that, he pulled Gong Yu and sat down. Mulinche just came down and saw Gong Yu at the table, raised his eyebrows, sat next to Yuan Jingchu, and started to eat.

Mu Tianze took a bite of the dish, and after a bite, he was a little surprised.

As a prince, he has a lot of natural delicacies from snacks, and the royal family has a garden that specializes in planting spiritual fruits and vegetables. The food he eats contains more spiritual energy than ordinary spiritual plants on the market, and is naturally more delicious. However, the original This table of dishes made by Jingchu is not inferior to the dishes made by Yu Chu!

She doesn't know what seasonings have been added to it. It's clear that the vegetable has the same feeling, but it tastes delicious several times.

Mu Tianze was very surprised. In this era, there are not many people who cook their own dishes. Yuan Jingchu not only cooks them by himself, but also makes them so delicious. Obviously, this is not the first time to cook. And seeing how familiar Mulin Che looked...he must often eat the dishes that Yuan Jingchu cooked.

For some reason, he was a little envious.

Mu Tianze smiled and praised Yuan Jingchu's cooking several times. Gong Yu was silent for a long time before he quietly picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish and put it in his mouth. He looked as if a gourmet was tasting the food, his face expressionless. It looks very harsh. If it’s other cooks, when they see someone tasting the food they make, they should be very concerned about the reaction of the other person, but Yuan Jingchu just talked softly with Mulinche, Gong Yu eats it as if he hadn’t seen it. In the next bite of food, I was a little surprised because of the deliciousness of the food. I was not in a good mood when I saw this scene.

Putting down his chopsticks, Gong Yu entered the house blankly.

Mu Tianze awkwardly rounded up the field for him, "Gong Yu... he is a little restless today."

Yuan Jingchu nodded, and continued to chat with Mulin Che indifferently.

Mu Tianze was very full. After the age of twenty, he seldom ate so full. Most of them were a bigudan. This was the first time he felt the deliciousness and...warmth of food outside the palace.

Yes, the warmth, the food Yuan Jingchu made reminded him of the little cakes his mother made for him.

There are too few sincere foods like this.

For many of them, food is often not enjoyment, but just a way to improve spiritual power.

After all, no matter how you do it, these fruits and vegetables will not be unpalatable, and anyway, the spiritual power contained in them will not increase because they are delicious.

Mu Tianze entered Gong Yu's room in a somewhat complicated mood, and saw a bottle of Bigu Dan broken in front of Gong Yu.

With a sigh, he walked to Gong Yu, "If you are jealous, take her over."

Gong Yu stiffened, raised his head and stared at him fiercely: "Who is jealous!!" Rebirth Space: Mu Less, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (If you are jealous in Chapter 1036, take her over) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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