Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1037: If you like it, grab it!

Mu Tianze raised his eyebrows, "Brother, can you hide from others or from me? You deliberately attacked Mulinche during the assessment just now, but let Yuan Jingchu get the amethyst, didn't you just want Yuan Did Jingchu give up Mulin Che in order to enter the purple class? You failed, so you are more jealous of Mulin Che. Now that she sees her cooking for Mulin Che personally, you are even more jealous because she would rather work in the kitchen before. I have never cooked a dish for you. Admit it, you like her!"

Gong Yu suddenly swept all the bottles and bottles in front of him to the ground. These delicate bottles and bottles were broken all over the floor, revealing a pile of top-grade or top-grade spirit pills.

Mu Tianze shook his head, "You don't want to admit it, it will only make her go further and further away... It doesn't matter if she has a man now, isn't she only in her twenties? She is still under adulthood, and there are countless possibilities in the future. Sex. You are not a staid man who has to ask for a virgin. If you like it, grab it!"

Gong Yu looked away bitterly, a kind of embarrassment of being seen through his mind.

" know that I am engaged to Tianqin, didn't you tell me not to be sorry for Tianqin before!" He took out Mu Tianqin a little angrily, concealing his thoughts.

Mu Tianze mocked and said: "Tianqin? Before she didn't notify Mu Tianyou to come over and take away some of the amethyst mines I fancy, of course I regarded her as a sister who could spoil her for a lifetime..."

There was also the auction, and he later found out that the dangerous man who chased him and caused him to be poisoned and injured had to return to the Imperial Capital for treatment in advance, it was Mu Tianyou who chased him at first. Mu Tianqin accompanied Mu Tianyou, and the disaster caused him!

It's strange that he can still regard Mu Tianqin as his younger sister!

"And, in your capacity, what does it mean to marry more wives?" Mu Tianze said disapprovingly.

Gong Yu was silent for a while, and it could be seen that he agreed with Mu Tianze's views. It's just that... Yuan Jingchu has always been so indifferent to him. Now even though she is dressed as a man and has two rooms, she has to live with Mulinche... I want to know what they are doing now! !

He really didn't want to admit that his charm was lost to that Mulin Che! !

At this moment, Mulin Che and Yuan Jingchu upstairs were actually not doing what he thought they would do between husband and wife. They were discussing what happened during the assessment, and Yuan Jingchu was basically determined. The person who repeatedly destroyed her during the assessment period was Bai Ranran, and she could guess that Bai Ranran wanted to be unique. Mulin Che told Jingchu that Elder Bai had known that he was a half dragon, and the two discussed the next plan, and hugged each other to sleep quietly.

On the second day, the freshmen were officially divided into classes and started school.

The grading system of Huangdu College allows students in different classes to have different education methods. The green and blue classes implement whole-class teaching. Students in the red and purple classes can freely apply for any courses they want to attend. Students in the purple class have the privilege to freely use all public facilities of the college, while students in the blue class and green class have to pay when they want to use some of the better facilities.

As an unprecedented black class, in addition to freely using all public facilities to choose courses freely, Mulinche and Yuan Jingchu can also designate specific teachers to teach them individually. Those elders are also very much looking forward to their selection.

The main courses of the alchemy department and the martial arts school were different, and the two soon separated.

As soon as Mulin Che walked into the Wu Xiuyuan, he received the attention of countless people. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1037, if you like it, grab it!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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