Mu Jingxi bit her lower lip and her ears turned red.

No, she is a dignified princess, how can he be molested?

If you really want to molested, she must molested him!

Therefore, Mu Jingxi completely forgot about assassins and not assassins, and continued to lay hands on Yu Xingyuan. Yu Xingyuan originally wanted to tease her. He didn't expect that his body would heat up with such a flirtation...


His voice was muted, "If you ignite the fire, you will be responsible for extinguishing the fire."

Mu Jingxi was taken aback, raised his head, and saw two flames in his deep black eyes...

Subconsciously, her hand trembled slightly, as if being scalded, slowly letting go of him...

However, he can still only be trapped in this small enchantment with him.

He is so bad, he can obviously set the barrier a little larger, but he wants to prevent others from noticing the strangeness, or...there are other reasons...

Frozen is to set the barrier very small, if two people are standing, it is even a little reluctant, that is to say, she must still maintain the posture of holding him in order to stand comfortably together...

Mu Jingxi felt that the temperature of his body was also rising.

She looked hard at the people around her, diverting her attention. The "Assassins" outside had long been controlled by the dark guards. At this moment, everyone on the street knew it. The beautiful woman hugged by the tall man is the famous Princess Ning Xi.

Princess Ning Xi was indeed much more beautiful than they thought, and many men were even more amazing.

But many women felt that this Princess Ning Xi was indeed Meng Lang, and she was hugging a man on the street, and she was still holding each other for so long before they were separated. She was shameless!

But no matter what they thought, Mu Jingxi didn't care. The barrier was finally opened by Yu Xingyuan. Mu Jingxi could finally release him and turn to Vermilion, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Hong was about to talk. The woman who was controlled by the dark guard had red eyes, and rushed forward crying, trying to grab Mu Jingxi's thigh, "Princess...Jingxi... please help me!!" "

Mu Jingxi was taken aback. There were really too few people who could directly call her "Jingxi". Besides her father and queen, there was also Yu Xingyuan. During this time, she hadn't heard anyone call her name directly, even if it was. The third princess, as her aunt, also called her "Princess Ningxi", but this was because she was not close to the third princess. When her daughter Lin Zixi entered the palace, she could only call her princess.

When the woman raised her head, Mu Jingxi realized that she really knew the person in front of her.

This woman is surprisingly the sister of Princess Ning Xi’s fiancé, Xiao Yuhua, the eldest lady who used to be close to Princess Ning Xi as a sister. According to Zhu Hong and the others, she is one-sidedly close to Xiao Yuhua as sisters, because she has been in the palace since she was a child. Growing up, she really didn't have many friends, and she didn't like other girls in the palace.

And Xiao Yuhua's temperament is also relatively frank, she will say what she likes Princess Ning Xi directly.

According to Vermilion's words, this is called not recognizing one's own identity, the more imperative.

But in the eyes of Princess Ning Xi, Xiao Yuhua felt that she was not being polite to her. No one had ever dared to speak to her so equally, so the original Princess Ning Xi really regarded Xiao Yuhua as a good sister.

However, this "good sister" often slandered her secretly. Many of the things that she killed and killed the maid in the palace were also passed on by Xiao Yuhua...Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1983 Help) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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