The original Princess Ning Xi didn't take it seriously. She felt that it would be nice to have such a sister who dared to speak to her and really regarded her as a friend on an equal footing.

But now Mu Jingxi is not so stupid.

After crossing this world, she only met Xiao Yuhua once.

That time, Xiao Yuhua took a fancy to a box of Western Region tribute jewelry that the emperor sent her, and kept changing the method to imply that she liked these jewelry. If it was the former Princess Ning Xi, she would have to choose from Bacheng. What kind of imperial gift is not allowed. It doesn't work for Princess Ning Xi to give it to others.

But that time, Xiao Yuhua hinted that for a long time, Mu Jingxi didn’t respond. She didn’t respond. Xiao Yuhua couldn’t force it. She was so angry that she went out of the palace angrily, and even vowed not to enter the palace for a month to see Princess Ning Xi. After all, In the past, Princess Ning Xi had no friends. She always hoped that her only friend would go to the palace to accompany her, but now Princess Ning Xi...

Don't want her to enter the palace at all.

Mu Jingxi looked at this kind of people a lot. There were many such people around Aunt Ruan. They stared at something and saw a lot. In fact, she wanted Aunt Ruan to give it to them, so she didn't bother to deal with such a person.

Xiao Yuhua didn't enter the palace, she was happy, and when Xiao Yuhua left, she told Zhu Hong and the others that after Xiao Yuhua came to Ning Xi Palace, she had to inform her, and she couldn't let her come and go freely as before.

Zhu Hong was very pleased and felt that her princess had finally grown up a little bit.

Xiao Yuhua later found out that something happened. When she wanted to enter the palace to persuade Mu Jingxi, she found that she was walking easily, but now that she wants to enter the palace, it is not so easy. When the marriage between Xiao Yucheng and Princess Ning Xi was cancelled, Mrs. Xiao died in the palace. During the time, Xiao Yuhua was anxious to enter the palace, but there was no way. She hated Mu Jingxi and Xiao Yucheng so much in her heart. If he hadn't gotten with that Lin Zixi, Princess Ning Xi wouldn't have missed her. She had completely forgotten that she had also stood by Mrs. Xiao before, feeling that her brother's talent should not be wasted because of Princess Ning Xi, and she hated Mu Jingxi very much.

Later, when the Xiao family fell, Prime Minister Xiao returned to the country, but Xiao Yuhua was unwilling to leave. She was thinking about her past scenery, because she had a good relationship with Princess Ning Xi, and there were many dragons and phoenixes she could meet. I have always felt that even if I can't become a harem concubine, I should marry someone like Jing Wang, the younger brother of his majesty. Even the son of a general like Hou Yangze is considered to be married.

Unexpectedly, she became a common citizen overnight and couldn't even enter the palace. Those princes and grandsons who held her in the past will no longer treat her.

She had reached her age, and Mrs. Xiao was gone. After Prime Minister Xiao returned to the country, he straightened Xiao Yulin's mother as the mistress of the house.

Xiao Yulin’s mother, Li, had long seen her and Xiao Yucheng displeased for a long time. After arriving in the country, they quickly separated. Xiao Yucheng was the son of Xiao’s family and she didn’t dare to do anything, but Xiao Yuhua was different. Because of Mrs. Xiao's relationship, Prime Minister Xiao now sees her and Xiao Yucheng not pleasing to his eyes, and doesn't care about her at all, leaving everything to the Li clan.

Li found a few decent families in the countryside and wanted to marry her.

But how can Xiao Yuhua look at the officials and wealthy people in these small county towns? She wanted to be a princess, so she ran back to the imperial capital with her maid, ignoring that Li had already booked a kiss, hoping to ask Jing Wang and Mu Jingxi for help. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1984 Xiao Yuhua), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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