Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1182 Excuses

The expressions of Murong Zhe's family suddenly changed, and the four Murong Zong brothers also frowned and looked at the purse in their hands.

Murong Yang saw his wife's original intention at a glance, and said displeasedly: "What's the matter with you? Didn't I tell you a thousand times before I came here that you must not go wrong? You can't do such a simple thing well, what do you want you to do? use?"

Hu Hexiang hurriedly said: "The child's father, and everyone, don't worry, we have come here once, and we have a lot of things to do in the capital, and I don't know when we will meet again next time. If you don’t have a purse, the little ones won’t give it to you. Well, if you don’t mind if you don’t have a purse, we’ll just give you money like this, how about it?”

Fortunately, she didn't say that she disliked Murong Lingran for being a girl just now, otherwise her brothers would probably have driven her out immediately.

Murong Yang glared at his wife fiercely, but at this time it was not good to say more reproaches, and said in a rounded tone: "Aran, little four, little grandpa also apologizes to you, this is true I'm sorry we didn't think it through."

Murong furrowed her brows sharply. Little Si's unpreparedness was forgivable, but her purse just fell to the ground and got dirty?

Is she really a child? Isn't it that he prefers sons over women, thinking that she is a girl, a loser, and he doesn't want to give her, and he still makes so many excuses.

Murong Yi is small, but not stupid. She has seen many scenes of Liu's preference for sons and daughters before, and she also guessed Hu Hexiang's initial thoughts. She glanced at her worriedly, and saw her raising her eyebrows: "It's okay, I have a purse myself, and the little grandma can just give the money directly."

Seeing everyone looking at her worriedly, Murong Lingran smiled at them.


how is this possible?

It's just an outsider. If she really looks sad, Mrs. Liu might even laugh out her teeth.

Seeing that she was not sad, Murong Yi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I'll listen to my sister."

Seeing that they agreed, Murong Yang was instantly overjoyed.

Hu Hexiang slowly took out some pieces of silver from his arms, divided them into two parts and stuffed them into their hands, and forced a smile: "Little Grandma's family has limited conditions, so I can only give so much, please don't dislike it. what."

Murong Lingran felt the weight secretly, almost two taels of silver.

It seems that she underestimated the financial resources of the little grandpa's family. The six people have a total of twelve taels of silver, and they can buy two acres of wasteland in the capital. The little grandpa is really willing.

Suddenly feeling several unkind eyes staring at him, Murong Lingran turned his head to look, and saw Murong Yang's daughters-in-law and grandchildren meet her gaze, and immediately turned their eyes away.

Murong Lingran sneered in her heart, and out of politeness, she turned her head and smiled and said, "Thank you little grandpa, little grandma, how much is what we want, we don't think too much."

The other five brothers also followed: "Thank you little grandpa, little grandma."

Murong Yang smiled and said, "Good boy."

When the children returned to their places, Murong Zhe said, "Does my uncle already have a place to live?"

Murong Yang said: "Not yet, my plan is to see you first, and then go to the city to see."

"In the city?"

"Yeah." Murong Yang looked at Murong Liang, then at Murong Zhe, and said with a smile, "It's still thanks to you, A Zhe, when your father used to be your imperial physician, every year people came to visit you. Donghai Prefecture sends silver, and the amount each time is quite a lot."

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